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 Bibeksheel Nepali Banau
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Posted on 04-18-13 7:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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म विवेकशील नेपाली हुँ ।अहिले नगरे कहिले ?
हामीले नगरे कसले ?

हरेक नेपालीको अनुहार यस्तो हँसिलो बनाउन चाहन्छौँ :)हामी ऊर्जाशील, सकारात्मक, प्रतिबद्ध र विवेकशील नेपालीहहरूको नविन राजनीतिक शक्ति-समूह हौँ । नेपाललाई शान्त र संबृद्ध बनाउन आवश्यक स्पष्ट मार्गदिशा र तागत हामी सङ्‌ग छ । हामी बर्तमान् अक्षम राजनीतिक शक्तिहरूको दासत्त्वको बिरुद्ध सकृय रूपले लागिपरेका छौँ । थप जानकारीका लागि "हाम्रो विवेकशील मार्गदृष्टि" पत्र अवश्य पढ्नु होला -
हाम्रो फोन : 98511 49214एस-एम-एस (SMS): 7001ईमेल: help@leadnepal.com

हाम्रा ‘विवेकशील’ कार्यक्रमहरु – बोल्ने कम, गर्ने बढि :)

विवेकशील नेपालीले अहिले गरि रहेको केहि जन-जागरण कार्यक्रमहरु यहाँ प्रेशित छ : हाम्रा कार्यक्रमको बिभिन्न भिडियोको लागि यहाँ जानुहोस् !

१) सडक सन्देश: टोल टोलमा गई भाषण, गाली केहि नदिई, मात्र सुमधुर राष्ट्रिय गीतहरुको संगालोका साथ ‘िववेकशील’ हुने मेसेज दिँदै नविन तरिकाले आम नेपाली नागरिकको मन जित्दैछौँ। अहिले सम्म ५०,००० भन्दा बढि नेपालीहरुले अनुभव गरि सके यो टोल-टोले कार्यक्रम। अनि ६२ जिल्लाका १५०० भन्दा बढिले लिखित सहमति जनाएका छन्। (जिम्मेवार नेपाली बनाउने अभियान)

२) १ रुपैयाले नै हुन्छ भ्रष्टाचार: नेपाल दुर-सँचारका बिभिन्न शाखामा छड्के मारेर त्यहाँ आउने उपभोक्तालाई सचेत बनाई १ रुपैयाँ पनि फिर्ता लिन लगाउने जनजागरण अभियान। (स्वतन्त्र नेपाली बनाउने अभियान)

३) ए हजुर कता? ( समयमा आउनुहोस् कर्मचारी साथी ): समयमा आउन प्ररित गर्ने अनि नआए बिभागिय कारवाहिको लागि दवाव सृजना गर्ने लोकप्रिय कार्यक्रम हो यो। यसबाट प्रश्ट रुपमा नेपाल बिधुत प्राधिकरण, सुन्धारामा देखिन सकिने सुधार आएको छ। (सेवक सरकार बनाउने अभियान)

४) ‘अब के गर्ने ?’: सचेत नागरिकहरुलाई कसरी एकै ठाँउमा ल्याई जागरुप बनाई, एेकबद्ध तरिकाले अगाडि बढाउने कार्यक्रम हो यो। अहिलेसम्म यो लगातार हेरक हफ्ता शनिबार ४० हफ्ता गरिसक्यौँ। आउन मन लागे हेरक शनिबार ९:४५ मा हाम्रो अफिस, काठमाडौँमा आउनुहोला। नक्सा यहाँ(एेकबद्ध नेपाली बनाउने अभियान)

५) ‘विवेकशीळ नेतृत्व बिकास’ अभियान: हरेक हफ्ता हुने यस नेतृत्व बिकास गर्न चाहिने सीप सिकाँउछौँ हामीले चक्रपथ, महाराजगंजमा। जस्तो कि तर्कपूर्ण विवेकशील तरिकाले बोल्ने-सुन्ने, संगठन बिस्तार, पारदर्शिता बिकास, अर्थ व्यवस्थापन, प्रविधि तालिम अादि ईत्यादि । (जवाफदेहि नेतृत्व बनाउने अभियान)

६) विवेकशीळ उद्दमी क्लब: हामी हाम्रो हरेक सदष्यलाई उद्दमशीळ र आत्म-निर्भर बनाउन चाहन्छौँ । त्यसैले हामीले विवेकशीळ उद्दमी क्लब स्थापना गरेका छौँ । यो हरेक हफ्ता भेट्छ। जानकारीको लागि तल संपर्क गर्नुहोला। (संमृद्ध नेपाली बनाउने अभियान)

७) समाज सेवा क्लब: युवाहरुलाई राजनिति गर्नु भनेकै समाज सेवा गर्नु पनि हो भनेर देखाँउदैछौँ हामीले यस क्लब द्वारा। अहिले बिभिन्न युवा सन्जाललाई मद्दत गर्ने। (शशक्त नेपाली बनाउने अभियान)

८) युवा अघि सर्छ, देश अघि बढ्छ – हामीले राष्ट्रिय रुपमा नेपाललाई अघि बढाउने प्रण लिनका लागि १४ अन्चलबाट लुम्बिनी हिँडदैछौँ । यसको जानकारी चाँडै नै दिनेछौँ । (नेपाललाई खुल्ला र बिकासन्मुख बनाउने अभियान)

Posted on 04-18-13 11:55 PM     [Snapshot: 94]     Reply [Subscribe]
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अर्का लाई अर्ती दीन छोडौ साथी .....  तिम्रा यस्ता "publicity stunt " बेकम्फुसे कार्यक्रमहरुले देश र समाजमा कुनै significant परिवर्तन ल्याउछ भनेर हामीलाई भन्न खोजेको हो भने तिमीले नेपाली जनताको कत्तिको बुद्दि / बिबेक छ भनेर underestimate गरीराछौ !

बरु अलिक बिबेक प्रयोग गरेर आफ्नो नाम चाई change गरौ है .... अरुले तपाई भनोस नभनोस ... आफै मपाई ....

गर्ने ले यसरी गर्छ .........

दुई वर्षभित्र तामाकोसीबाट ४ सय ५६ मेगावाट विजुली निस्कने

६ वैशाख, काठमाण्डौं । बहुचर्चित तामाकोसी जलविद्युत आयोजनाको सुरुङ निर्माण दुई अर्व सस्तोमा सकिने भएको छ । चट्टानयुक्त कमलो भूवनोटले सुरुङ खन्न सहज हुँदा समय र लागत घट्ने देखिएको हो । यसले थप लागत जोगाउँदै आयोजना समयमै सक्न सघाउने अधिकारीहरुले बताएका छन् ।

४ सय ५६ मेगावाटको तामाकोसी स्वदेशी लगानीको पहिलो ठूलो आयोजना हो । कूल लागत ३५ अर्ब २९ करोड रुपैयाँमध्ये यसले १६ किमी सुरुङका लागि साढे ४ अर्ब रुपैयाँ छुट्टयाएको छ । ‘सुरुङ निर्माणमा बढीमा ४० प्रतिशत लागत बच्ने सम्भावना छ,’ आयोजना प्रमुख विज्ञानप्रसाद श्रेष्ठले भने, ‘एक अर्ब ८० करोड रुपैयाँ सुरुङ निर्माणमा मात्र बच्ने देखिन्छ ।’

श्रेष्ठका अनुसार यो बचतले आयोजना निर्माणमा लागत थप गर्नुपर्ने अवस्था आउन दिँदैन । ‘सामान्यतया कुनै पनि जलविद्युत आयोजनाको सुरुङ निर्माण नै सयम र लागका हिसाबले जोखिमयुक्त काम मान्छि । तर हामीले यस कार्यमा सफलता पाएका छौं,’ उनले भने, ‘सुरुङ क्षेत्रका चट्टानले गर्दा पैसा र समय दुबै जोगिएको हो ।’

प्राविधिकका अनुसार कुनै पनि आयोजनामा सुरुङ निर्माणमा निर्धारित भन्दा ५० देखि शतप्रतिशतसम्म खर्च बढ्छ। लागत अनिश्चित बनाउने सुरुङ नै हो ।

उक्त आयोजनाको ४५ प्रतिशत काम पुरा भएको सिभिल इन्जिनियर बिमल गुरुङले जानकारी दिए । आयोजनाले अहिलेसम्म ११ अर्ब ६९ करोड रुपैयाँ खर्च गरेको छ ।

माओबादी जिन्दाबाद

Posted on 10-22-13 2:21 PM     [Snapshot: 363]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why You Should Vote for Ujwal Thapa (‘Dog’ sign) in Kathmandu- 5

नेपालीमा पढ्नु होला

I am not a career politician. Just like you, I am fed up and disgusted with the politicians Nepal has seen, who have time and again proven their incompetence and dishonesty. After spending the last 10 years demanding accountability and creating social change and opportunities from the ‘outside’ in the role of an activist/professional, I have now decided to fight for change from the ‘inside’ by joining the political process. In the upcoming November 2013 CA elections, I am standing up as an 36 year old independent candidate from Kathmandu-5.

I hope you read a little more to get to know me better as a person and candidate.

12 years ago, I returned from the United States of America after completing my education, to support the growth of Nepal’s IT industry. Since then, the people I hired and mentored have gone on to set up more than 25 new IT companies in Nepal, creating jobs for hundreds of people. I also started an organic coffee cooperative for small farmers in western Nepal with the intention of providing alternate to youths who are leaving the villages in droves.

For the last 5 years, I have built career opportunities in Nepal, especially for the youth. I helped set up the 13000+ strong network of ‘Entrepreneurs for Nepal’ that provides young entrepreneurs, both aspirants and newcomers, the knowledge, network, inspiration, and the skills necessary to start a business and create jobs. (More here).

In December 2012, after the robbery and rape of a migrant worker returnees at the hands of our very own government officials, I was among those who helped start and support 107 straight days of #OccupyBaluwatar campaign. The campaign raised awareness of Violence and Women (VAW) issues in Nepal and aimed to combat VAW by driving our political leadership and bureaucracy to amend laws. While political parties give patronage to criminals, I was forcing accountability from Government and Police. The campaign helped deliver justice to “SitaRai”, which hopefully will prevent others from having to undergo the injustice that she had to.

In 2011, I helped start ‘Nepal Unites’, a year-long, informal, citizen-led movement that brought professionals, students, and activists together to 1) demand accountability, particularly of our senior politicians and parliamentarians, and 2) mobilize and motivate every Nepali to speak up and contribute to building a prosperous and responsible Nepal. The movement was rooted in the premise: if citizens unite and join hands, Nepal will transform.

Collaboration is a philosophy that I deeply believe in, a philosophy that guides much of my work, and the approach I will take as an elected parliamentarian.

I truly believe that we, as a country and its citizens, can do better. This beautiful country of ours holds a lot of promise and potential; my blog whynepal.com is a repository of some of my dreams and visions for Nepal. But real, lasting change in the way Nepal is governed won’t come about unless young, competent, dedicated, honest Nepalis, like you and me, work together both within and outside the current established system of governance. Which is why I hope that you find in me the change agent you have waited for.

Do you know who your other Kathmandu -5 CA election candidate options are?

A) Narahari Acharya, Nepali Congress, age 60; career politician for over 25 years; one of the 601 members of the last CA. His primary contribution perhaps is that he introduced the idea of turning Nepal into a republic state. An idea which has been tried and tested, and we thank him for that.  I believe it’s time to move on, and that you deserve a candidate who can deliver more, but also build on and add to what someone like Mr. Acharya has contributed.

B) Iswar Pokhrel, UML, age 59; career politician for over 25 years: His contributions: Do you remember any? Neither do I. It’s definitely time to move on.

I am tired of waiting for someone else to come and fix our dysfunctional state of politics and governance. Haven’t we all seen the same old faces, who’ve failed us and the country time and again?

This time vote for RESPONSIBLE CHANGE. I believe I am the honest political alternative that you’ve been looking for.Time to leave the past and bet on your future.This election season, vote for Ujwal Thapa, 36 year old Independent Candidate in Area 5 – Kathmandu. My symbol  - Dog; a mark of sincere loyalty & honesty and a watchdog of the citizens.

[Area 5 covers Ward 2,3,4 and 5 . It also covers the following VDC’s: Dhapasi, Khadka -Bhadrakali, Bishnu-Budhanilkantha and Tokha. In other words, it covers area from Kapurdhara to Lazimpat to Sano Gaucharan to Dhumbarahi to Bansbari to Hattigauda to Budhanilkantha to Tokha and back to Dhapasi]

Download the PDF version: (in English) and (in Nepali).

Posted on 10-23-13 8:52 AM     [Snapshot: 523]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Can anybody shed some light on this group?

When I first heard about this group, I thought the actions were very commendable. We keep complaining about every mundane and big things in Nepal, now that we have a group actively standing for those issues we've got to support it loudly. But I tend to take every political party/candidate with caution. Now that they have a candidate in upcoming election, how credible are they?
If you have a political agenda (like ashishme) please don't reply.
Posted on 10-26-13 1:39 AM     [Snapshot: 663]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The biggest problem independent candidates and small parties in Nepal face is even though voters may be fed up with the big parties, most of them don't want to waste their votes on candidates and parties who have little chance of governing or providing effective opposition. In close contests,  voting for the candidate you like the most may mean you end up electing the candidate you like the least. 

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