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Posted on 07-24-06 12:30 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-24-06 12:39 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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read it. It all shows where SPA is leading Nepal and how it is in the process of disintegrating Nepal. It wil also make guys without vision realise the what King had tried to do for our motherland. He failed but I respect him for his effort to bring a change in Nepal. I would have respected SPA if they helped him build the nation. The mistake King did was to try extraordinary things from people who were less than ordinary in ways that were ordinary.
Posted on 07-24-06 12:42 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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You read that logic in my logic thread.. its there:)
you divide , then you say ,i divide. i divide you don't get to say you divide.
division division.. hope leaders are really good in math ..hahahahah

elixir..in his word:
would say"kasto luga jasto kura" hahahahh
Posted on 07-24-06 11:01 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-24-06 1:24 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 07-24-06 10:41 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Prachanda meets Newar community
Kathmandu, 16 July: CPN (Maoist) Chairman Prachanda said his party has declared Kathmandu Valley Newar autonomous region and said it will be developed with the suggestions and advice of the community, Annapurna Post reports.

He said this is a meeting with 21 community leaders Sunday.

People’s News/BR
Posted on 07-24-06 11:59 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ha HA ha ha ha..

These newars gonna be goti of Maoists..... and Maoists are gotis of whom? ha ha... Goti ko goti bane newars... ha ha.. newars will be proven idiots if they expect such thing from Prachanda bahun.
Posted on 07-25-06 12:07 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hahahah.. karama rana ...i don't think newar are that fool not to realize this..
this idiot bastard prachanda doesn't know what $hit he is talking!!!he is just into dividing people ..People of nepal are clapping this as an achivements no matter what they do some people in sajah don't even listen ..hahaha.. they are still barking for prachanda..this is seriously comedy..living in free country and supporting some one to push nepal into communist regime..if they love communist so much then they should go and live in cuba not in usa..this is free country that is why they are speaking crap..otherwise if they speak for democracy in cuba they would be ganged publicly infront of casto ..hahahah
Posted on 07-25-06 8:56 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey guys can we not start a campaign asking international community to bring these maoists to justice for the crimes they have committed. I am here in Nepal and it is so depressing to see the people waiting for news from maoists in a helpless way. They are all scared to raise a voice against them in public as well as in homes. Now this govt is full of bastards. YOu know in one press meeting baburam and prachanda said SPA are always fighting among themselves for different mantralayas and begging the Maoists to give them this and that mantralaya for them. Look at SPA - what state they have dragged Nepal - they have to now ask Maoists for the portfolios. Isn't it pathetic? Had it been the King in power for lil longer and if he had been successful in conducting the elections this dream of Maoists would never hav been fullfilled. Gone is gone but I feel we can still make lil difference if we try rather than staying quiet and watching disaster unfold.

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