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 गाईको गरिमा
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Posted on 02-25-07 2:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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पदम श्रेष्ठ, (काठमाडौं)। मानिस, भैँसी, घोडा, हात्ती, कुकुर आदि कुनै पनि जीवजन्तुको दिसा अर्थात् गोबरले घर लिपपोत गर्नुहुँदैन।

गाई मात्र यस्तो पवित्र जनावर हो जसको दूध पोषिलो हुन्छ, गोबरले घर आँगन लिप्न मिल्छ र गहुँतले औषधिका साथै कीटनाशक औषधिको काम गर्दछ। वैदिक धर्मशास्त्रमा गाईको दूध, घिउसहितको पञ्चामृत पवित्र प्रसादका लागि चलाइन्छ।

पञ्चामृतमा भेडा, बाख्रा, भैँसी आदि जीवजन्तुको दूध घिउ प्रयोग नहुनुका बारे अनुसन्धान आवश्यक छ।

�गोमूत्र र गोबर घरेलु औषधिदेखि क्यान्सर रोगसम्म� लेखमा पूर्ण पिया भन्नुहुन्छ- गाईको गोबर र गहुँतमा कार्बोलिक एसिड, मैगनिज, क्षार, आरमअक्साइड जस्ता तत्व छन् जुन दुर्गन्ध र कीटाणु नाश गरी व्याधि निर्मूल गर्न उपयोगी हुन्छन्।

गउत-गोमूत्रको फाइदा
गउतबारे आयुर्वेद संस्कृत भाषामा एक कथन छ- �गोमूत्रे त्रिदिनं स्वस्थ विषं तेन विशुध्यति� अर्थात् विष किन नहोस् तीन दिनसम्म गहुँतमा राखिदिए शुद्ध हुनपुग्छ।

शुद्ध प्राकृतिक खाद्यान्न घाँस, पराल कुँडो मात्र खुवाएर राखेकी कोरली बाच्छीको गहुँत बिहान घाम उदाउनुअघि नित्य सेवन गर्नेगरे क्यान्सर जस्तो असाध्य रोग पनि निको हुन्छ र प्लेग रोगीलाई गाईको गोठमा सुताउने, गुइँठाको धूवाँ दिने, गाईको दूध, दही, घ्यू गहुँतको पञ्चगव्य खुवाउने गर्नाले निको हुन्छ भन्ने प्राचीन मान्यता पाइन्छ।

गोबर मल
१०० किलो गोबर खाल्डो (१०ह६ह३ फुट) मा ९० देखि १२० दिनसम्म १५ सय किलो घाँस, १८०० किलो पानी र १७५० किलो माटोमा मिसाएर गाड्नाले तीन हजार किलो मल उत्पादन हुन्छ।

गहुँत कीटनाशक
वैदिक परम्पराबाट नेपाली समाजमा गहुँत घर शुद्धि र रोग नष्ट गर्न प्रयोग गर्दै आइरहेको पाइन्छ तर १० किलो गहुँतमा साढे दुइ किलो नीमपात राखी १५ दिनसम्म कुहाउने, जुन झोल १०० लिटर पानीमा मिलाएर बारीमा छर्नाले कीरा लाग्न बन्द हुन्छ।

गोएक्जिमा साबुन स्याम्पु
डा. लक्ष्मीकान्त पाण्डे भन्नुहुन्छ- सहरिया साबनु र महँगा स्याम्पु प्रयोग गरी नुहाउँछन्।

वास्तवमा एक किलो मूलपानीको माटो र २ सय ग्राम रातो गेरु, १२५० ग्राम गिलो गोबर, २३ ग्राम नीलोतुथो र आवश्यकता अनुसार नीमपात मिलाएर बनेको साबुनले नुहाउँदा छालाको रोग निको हुन्छ।

त्यसैगरी दुइ किलो गोमूत्र, ५० ग्राम अरिण, १५ ग्राम कपुर र १० ग्राम अजवायन सत्व मिलाएर स्याम्पु बनाउन सकिन्छ। त्यस प्रकारको स्याम्पो कपाल कालो बनाउनसमेत उपयोगी हुन्छ।

गोबर धूप
एक किलो गोबर, खयर काठको धूलो आधा किलो २ सय ग्राम चालम, दुइ सय ग्राम गाईको घ्यूको मिश्रण सिन्कामा उनेर घाममा सुकाउने। सुकेको धूप बाल्दा सुगन्ध फैलाउँछ।

दूध, घ्यू, मह, दही, सख्खर मिलाएर पञ्चामृत बनाइन्छ। पञ्चामृत देव पूजन र प्रसादका रूपमा प्रयोग हुन्छ। यसमा प्रयोग हुने दूध, घिउ, दही गाईकै हुनुपर्नेबाट पनि हामी स्पष्ट हुन सक्छौ कि भैँसी, बाख्रा वा अन्य जीवको भन्दा गाईको स्थान उँचो छ।


Hey Still waana make rihno, horse or dog as a national animal :D

cow 1a: 1 hoof, 2 pastern, 3 dewclaw, 4 switch, 5 hock, 6 rear udder, 7 flank, 8 thigh, 9 tail, 10 pinbone, 11 tail head, 12 thurl, 13 hip, 14 barrel, 15 ribs, 16 crops, 17 withers, 18 heart girth, 19 neck, 20 horn, 21 poll, 22 forehead, 23 bridge of nose, 24 muzzle, 25 jaw, 26 throat, 27 point of shoulder, 28 dewlap, 29 point of elbow, 30 brisket, 31 chest floor, 32 knee, 33 milk well, 34 milk vein, 35 fore udder, 36 teats, 37 rump, 38 loin

Posted on 02-25-07 2:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 02-25-07 3:10 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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forget to mention ..fav food of Prachanda and maoist and some spammers....hahaha

If there is no food in Nepal in 1-2 years cow can be eaten too..That is another good advantage of cow.
Posted on 02-25-07 3:45 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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IMI i didn't know u r such a low graded mentality person roaming here in sajha to hunt cows and fu(k them, i pitty you bitchhh, find a gal or if u r she then find ram.

MotTherfu(ker atlest respect the culture, if u don't follow it. Keep ur dirty keyboard in control. They do not eat cow at least in nepal by common hindu fellow. I don't know about gyane and other those so called high class people, but the environment i grew up was u respect ur culture.
Posted on 02-25-07 3:52 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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just ignore these low grades
Posted on 02-25-07 4:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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one other note for IMI, stop politicizing everything.
Posted on 02-25-07 5:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Beef is an important part of a healthy diet. About 50 separate nutrients are essential to good health. No single food contains all of these nutrients. For this reason, dietitians and health providers recommend consuming a wide variety of foods daily from several different food categories. One of the nutrients you need, Vitamin B12, can be found only in animal foods, such as beef. Beef also provides significant amounts of other important nutrients—protein, riboflavin, niacin, iron and zinc.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. We need 22 amino acids, but only eight must come from food. The body can produce the others. The amino acids the body cannot make are called “essential amino acids.” Proteins which contain all of the eight essential amino acids in proportions most useful to the body are called “complete” or “high quality” proteins. Plant proteins, when eaten alone, do not contain all of the essential amino acids in sufficient quantity and therefore are incomplete. To make them complete, they must be combined with other foods containing the amino acids that are missing. For instance, beans and rice, eaten separately, do not contain all the essential amino acids, but eaten in combination, they do.
Complete proteins, such as those in beef, help to build, maintain and repair body tissues, form body hormones and enzymes and increase resistance to infection and disease. One 3-ounce cooked serving of 80 percent lean ground beef will supply 21 grams of protein, about 45 percent of the daily amount recommended for children ages 9-13. Beef also contains significant amounts of several B vitamins. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) helps the body use energy and promotes healthy skin and good vision in bright light. Niacin (another B-vitamin) promotes healthy skin and nerves, aids digestion and fosters normal appetite. Vitamin B12 is needed for normal functioning of body cells and of the nervous system. The only natural source of Vitamin B12 is animal foods. One of the most important nutrients in beef is iron. Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to and away from the body cells. Beef is one of the best sources of iron, the nutrient most often lacking in the diets of adult women, young children and athletes. Zinc is a mineral the body needs to form enzymes and insulin. Like iron, zinc is especially difficult to obtain when meat is not included in the diet.
A serving of lean cooked beef is about the size of a deck of playing cards, weighs 3 ounces and has 228 calories. A 3-ounce cooked lean ground beef patty provides 46 percent of the US DRI of protein, 12 percent of the US DRI of riboflavin, 26 percent of the US DRI of niacin, 33 percent of the US DRI of vitamin B12, 10 percent of the US DRI of iron, and 31 percent of the US DRI of zinc.
Posted on 02-25-07 5:32 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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"Vitamin B12, can be found only in animal foods, such as beef. "

Is this correct? ask yourself.
Posted on 02-25-07 5:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The purest form of water, rain water contains VIT B12.

If u study about human flesh, u can find some more nutrient.
Will u go for it Mr. Free H1B?
Posted on 02-25-07 5:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Furthermore U need to know that reports are produced for every research in the line desired by the researcher or who funds it.
They certainly won't mention bovine fever or mad cow disease in their literature where they are supposed to increase the overall demand of beef, Oklahoma being one of the major producer of beef.
Posted on 02-25-07 6:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Make beef part of a healthy diet, healthy lifestyle

By Deb Roeber, University of Minnesota Extension Service

The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans have been released, but what does that mean for the beef industry? From time to time, consumers have a tendency to think that the guidelines may tell them to stay away from a certain classes of food, such as beef. But, nowhere in the guidelines does it tell Americans to stay away meat; rather they indicate that consumers should choose nutrient-dense foods, including lean meats and poultry.
A common misperception is that vegetarian diets are lower in fat than meat containing diets. However, a study by Broughton and Barr (1999, Canadian Journal of Dietary Practice & Research) indicated that no differences in fat, energy, carbohydrate intake or relative body weight were identified when comparing vegetarian and meat containing diets. In fact, there are several benefits to making meat part of a healthy diet.
Vitamin B. The red meats (beef, pork and lamb) account for 61 percent of vitamin B-12 in the U.S. food supply, 20 percent of vitamin B-6, 16 percent of niacin, 11 percent of riboflavin, and 14 percent of thiamin. Poultry and fish add an additional 13 percent, 13 percent, 17 percent, 4 percent, and 2 percent of B-12, b-6, niacin, riboflavin and thiamin, respectively.
Zinc (Z). Animal foods such as meat, poultry and fish are major sources of bioavailable zinc. A 35 percent reduction in the total amount of zinc absorbed has been observed in vegetarian women, compared to a non-vegetarian diet. When added to the diet, beef provides as much zinc as 11 three-ounce servings of tuna.
Iron (I). Iron deficiency is among the most common nutritional deficiencies in the U.S. Iron in food is present in two forms--heme iron in meat, poultry and fish, and nonheme iron present in a variety of plant and other animal foods. Beef, when added to the diet, provides as much iron as three cups of raw spinach.
Protein (P). Meat and other animal foods provide complete protein, while some plant proteins are incomplete or lack sufficient amounts of one or more essential amino acids.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a derivative of the essential fatty acid, linoleic acid, which may potentially protect against cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, and may enhance immune function and reduce body fat. Meat, a major source of CLA, accounts for over 97 percent of CLA consumed, 36 percent of which is provided by beef. CLA Eliminating meat from the diet increases an individual's risk for vitamin B, iron, and zinc deficiencies.
The key to a healthy diet is to consume foods to meet the dietary recommendations. So, the next time you're considering whether to include meat as part of your meal, look at the benefits that can come from meat.
If you would like more information on nutrient-dense beef, visit www.beefnutrition.org.
(Deb Roeber is a meat quality and safety specialist with the University of Minnesota Extension Service)
# # #
Web, regional contacts, statewide list

Writer: Deb Roeber (612) 624-2405, droeber@umn.edu
Lori Schott (320) 225-5055, weddl002@umn.edu
Editor: Jack Sperbeck (612) 625-1794, sperb001@umn.edu

NOTE: News releases were current as of the date of issue. If you have a question on older releases, use the main Extension search (upper right of this page) to locate more recent information.
Posted on 02-25-07 7:22 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thopa dumb a$$ ..watch your language..i can use the same..hmmm..who uses third class language ???You dumb ass..Who is saying ..cow fu(kers ..you.So, you think you respect cow and your mother??
next time think dumb..low class mentality re...Mc donald ma ganera hamburger khada kehi nahune ..cow can be eaten ..bhanda yetro babal..hypocrite dumb thopa.

one more thing, Maoist have already eaten cow .So, in Nepal also publicly you can get beef.If you want to eat it .Eat it if not Shut the Fu(K up!!!!

Why not politicize?If major agenda for beef eater and maoist and other religious people was not being able to eat cow(as one of the guy here in sajah told me that , did we get to eat beef in hindu country ???) so , why cannot i say now you can!!!!!!
Posted on 02-25-07 7:51 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I guess Mc Donalds and burger kings can now be opened in Nepal????...its no longer a hindu country right???????

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