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 UN Role in Nepal
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Posted on 08-30-06 12:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mr. Kofi Annan
The Secretary General,
United Nations,
New York,

Sub: UN’s role in the arms management and peace process.

We would like to introduce our self as Nepali with the true nationalistic feelings deep inside. We are proud to be the citizen of a country, which never has been a colony in its history. Nepal boasts being a country of natural diversification, multicultural, multi-ethnic and rich of heritage it is a piece of heaven on earth. And above all a peace loving nation. But since last ten Years we have been suffering disturbances aroused bythe insurgents, more than 13,000 people have lost their lives and thousands
Have been dip laced.

The most recent developments among the seven political parties and the
Insurgent Maoist in the June 06, has bring some relieve to us. This is the first step towards the peace process; hopefully it will lead towards the peaceful settlement of the political crisis in Nepal.

The SPA and the Maoist have reached an agreement to make a new constitution and the formation of interim government, there has been stalemate when the Arms management issue is there. So there has been
A request to the UN to be a mediator. Which we all take positively. There is no argument that the Maoist should lay down their arms if they want to join the mainstream of the politics. They also should vow that they would follow the democratic ways to come to power, in the future. They should be ready to transform themselves. If they have the true Nepali heart in them.

UN has played a great role for the establishment of peace and and democracy in the different parts of the world. There is no two opinion about it, being a member of UN Nepal also has contributed, by sending the troops for the peace keeping process in the various troubled part of the world. And our troops have proven very best. Most recently they are coming to Lebanan, to join the UN peacekeeping force there.

Nepal’s geopolitical is also a unique; it is sandwiched between two giant nations India and China, with two different types of political systems. So the strategic importance of Nepal does not have to be elaborated more.
While choosing a system for Nepal one should keep on mind that its geo political position so that it can keep up its own identity as it has been doing since it became a Nation. We Nepali people do not want to face the similar situation like in Afghanistan or East Timor or Iraq, while trying to put back the democracy on track. While trying to solve some critical situations we should follow the practical ways and means, rather than blindly following an idealistic theories.
We are sure under the leadership of general Secretary Mr. Kofi Annan, who is a very wise man, the UN team will find out the best solution in management of arms in this crucial moment of the history of Nepal. We will be more than happy to work together with the UN or if we can of any help to you, please let us know. We the Motherland Nepal as an institution is ready and willing to help. So that the natural demand of the Nepali people to bring the peace in the country is fulfilled. We want the peace and the prosperity in the world, not only in Nepal.


Anil Pandey
2106 Otis drive Unite # E
Alameda, Ca
Posted on 08-30-06 1:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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6fo/sf] w'jfFdf nf]stGq vf]Hg] w[i6tf
–clgn kf08]

;dGjo / ;b\efj kz'kltgfysf eQmx?sf] klxrfg xf] . k'vf{sf] Oltxf; uf]/vfnLsf] uf}/j xf] . :jfledfg / :jfwLgtf pgLx?sf] cfbz{ xf] . o; klxrf/g / cfbz{df dfgjclwsf/ / nf]stGqsf] ;dfj]zLs/0f ePsf] lyof] jf lyPg, ljj]rgfsf] ljifo x'gcfpF5 . t/ 9'Ss;Fu eGg;lsg] oyfy{ rflx+ s] xf] eg], lhDd]af/L / st{Jo lj;]{/ clwsf/sf] dfq s'/f ug]{ ;+:sf/ rflx+ xfdLsxfF lyPg . of] g]kfnLsf] klxrfg x'Fb} xf]Og . ;–;fgf 36gfnfO{ klg cl3 ;f/]/ ;8sdf 6fo/ aflnxfNg], af6f] /f]Sg], hfoh–gfhfoh kIfnfO{ Vofn gu/L hdftsf] tfut b]vfOxfNg] h'g k|j[lQ 5, Tof] g]kfnLsf] rl/q xf]Og . o;/L x]bf{ s] xfd|f] /utdf nf]stGq lrGg] sf]lifsf g} 5}g ls h:tf] klg nfU5 . 6fo/sf] w'jfFdf nf]stGq vf]Hg] unt k|j[lQsf sf/0f tfgfzfx / clwgfosjfbLx?n] c§xf; ug]{ cj;/ kfPsf 5g\ . nf]stGqnfO{ c/fhstfsf] kof{osf ?kdf lrq0f ug]{ cj;/ kfPsf 5g\ .
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k|i6 5, nf]stGqnfO{ 6fo/sf] sfnf] w'jfFdf p8fpg] w[i6tf g5f]8\g] xf] eg], k|hftGqjfbL klg ef]ln k/flht x'g]5g\ . cfh /fhf h;/L uf}0f x'g k'u]sf 5g\, pgLx? klg n's]/ a:g jfWo x'g]5g\ . …dÚ eGg 5f]8]/ …xfdLÚ eGg] cEof; rl/qdf ?kfGtl/t geP;Dd cl:y/tfsf] of] rqm /f]u6] lk+ªh:t} 3'ld/xg]5 . slxn] /fhf / slxn] bnsf] kfnf] 3'ld/xg] 5 . /fhfnfO{ k"/} x6fP/ bn dfq a:g], bnnfO{ x6fP/ lg/Í'z /fhtGq rnfpg] b'a} cjwf/0ffn] …xfdLÚ sf] k|ltlglwTj ub}{g . of] wf/0ff, …dÚ xf] . d'n'ssf] ;Dk"0f{ l:yltk|lt hgtfnfO{ ;r]t u/fP/ ;+ljwfg;efsf] lgjf{rgdf hgtfnfO{ ;l/s u/fpg' / pgLx?n] lbg] cfb]znfO{ cIf/;M kfngf ug'{ cfhsf] cfjZostf xf] . cfjZostf dfq geP/ of], clGtd ljsNk klg xf] . ;a}n] :jLsf/ ug]{k5{, cfhsf] cj:yf …b O08Ú xf]Og, …OG6/ld;gÚ dfq xf] .
Posted on 08-31-06 12:33 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 09-04-06 1:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i have prolem can any one fix for me please it is in preeti font

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