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 मधेस र तराईका नेताहरु मन्त्री, संसद र पार्टी परित्याग
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Posted on 12-11-07 8:18 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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मधेसी नेताद्वारा राजीनामा, स्वायत्त तराईको माग गर्दै मन्त्री, संसद् र पार्टी परित्याग


नेपाल समाचारपत्र, (काठमाडौं)।
तराईमा अर्को पार्टी गठन गर्ने उद्देश्यले कांग्रेस नेता तथा मन्त्री महन्थ ठाकुरसहित एमाले, राप्रपा र नेपाल सद्भावना पार्टी (आनन्दीदेवी) का चार सांसदले संसद् सदस्य र पार्टी जिम्मेवारीबाट राजीनामा दिएका छन्।

नयाँ पार्टी गठनका लागि केही सातामै बृहत् भेला गरिने र अन्य पार्टीबाट राजीनामा गराउने क्रम तीव्र पारिने राजीनामा दिनेहरूले बताएका छन्।

राजीनामा दिनेमा एमाले केन्द्रीय सदस्य महेन्द्र यादव, राप्रपा केन्द्रीय सदस्य रामचन्द्र राय र सद्भावना (आनन्दीदेवी) का हृदयेश त्रिपाठी हुनुहुन्छ। उहाँहरूले संसद् र पार्टीबाट राजीनामा दिनुभएको हो। यसै गरी राष्ट्रिय जनशक्ति पार्टीका प्रवक्ता सर्वेन्द्रनाथ शुक्ल, नेपाली कांग्रेसका अनिश अन्सारी, वृषेशचन्द्र लाल, रामचन्द्र कुशवाह र एमालेका श्रीकृष्ण यादवले पार्टीबाट राजीनामा दिनुभएको छ्।

संसद्बाट राजीनामा दिएपछि आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा ठाकुरसहितका नेताहरूले राज्य, सरकार र संसद् असफल भइसकेकाले अब यिनीहरूको औचित्य नभएको बताउनुभयो।

पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा कांग्रेस सांसद जेपी गुप्ता उपस्थित भए पनि पार्टीका सांसद पदबाट राजीनामा दिनुभएको छैन। उहाँले चाँडै नै आफूलगायत मधेसका अधिकांश नेता र सांसदले नयाँ पार्टी गठनका लागि पार्टीका अन्य जिम्मेवारीबाट अलग हुने बताउनुभयो। नयाँ पार्टी ठाकुरको अध्यक्षतामा गठन हुने तयारी पूरा भएको पनि बताइएको छ।

ँअब मधेसी जनमानसमा शान्त, समृद्ध तथा सम्मान, स्वाभिमान र पहिचानयुक्त स्वायत्त मधेसको चाहना व्याप्त भइसकेको अवस्थामा जनविद्रोहलाई तर्कसंगत बिन्दुसम्म पुर्याउने गहन जिम्मेवारी मधेसको नवोदित र स्थापित नेतृत्ववर्गको काँधमा आएकाले समग्र मधेसी नेतृत्ववर्गको अर्जुनदृष्टि त्यसैमा केन्द्रित गरी शान्तिपूर्ण संघर्षद्वारा उक्त लक्ष्यसम्म पुर्याउनु सबैको साझा लक्ष्य भएको छ’ -नयाँ पार्टी गठनको उद्देश्य प्रस्ट पार्न पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा वितरित नौ जनाको संयुक्त विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ।

पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा नयाँ पार्टी गठनको उद्देश्य राज्य विभाजन नभएको स्पष्ट पार्दै नेता ठाकुरले आफ्नो माग स्वायत्त मधेस रहेको बताउनुभयो। परिवर्तनकारीहरूलाई क्रान्तिकारी, आतंककारी, अराष्ट्रियतत्त्वलगायतका आरोप लाग्ने टिप्पणी गर्दै उहाँले तराईका सबै संघसंस्था, राजनीतिक शक्ति र व्यक्तिहरूलाई अन्याय र असमानताविरुद्ध प्रारम्भ गरिने निर्णायक शान्तिपूर्ण संघर्षका लागि तराई मधेसको बृहत् राजनीतिक शक्ति निर्माण अभियानमा सामेल भइदिन अपिलसमेत गर्नुभयो।

नेपालमा अहिले कुनै पनि निकायको प्रमुख मधेसी नभएको चर्चा गर्दै ठाकुरले मधेस स्वायत्त राज्य होस, मधेसको आफ्नो सरकार होस्, मधेसको शासन प्रशासन मधेसीको हातमा होस्, मधेसमा छुट्टै अदालत होस् भन्ने मधेसको चाहना भएको बताउनुभयो।

नेता ठाकुरले तराईमा आन्दोलन गरिरहेका सबै शक्तिसँग पनि वार्ता गर्दै उनीहरूलाई शान्तिपूर्ण बाटोमा ल्याएर सहकार्य गर्न सकिने बताउनुभयो। ँमधेस अहिले शान्ति, समृद्धि र सद्भाव खोजिरहेछ, त्यसका लागि सबैको सहयोग जरुरी छ’ -उहाँले भन्नुभयो।

नेता त्रिपाठीले संविधानसभा मधेसी, जनजाति, आदिवासीलगायतका अल्पसंख्यककै लागि आवश्यक भएको बताउँदै वातावरण बनाएर संविधानसभामा जान आफूहरू तयार रहेको बताउनुभयो। उहाँले तोकिएको समयमा संविधानसभा निर्वाचन हुन नसकेका कारण आज आफूहरूले नयाँ कदम शुरू गर्नुपरेको बताउनुभयो।

सभामुख दुःखी
पत्रकार सम्मेलन गर्नुअघि सांसदहरूले सभामुख सुवास नेम्वाङलाई संसद् सचिवालयमा राजीनामापत्र बुझाएका थिए।

सभामुख नेम्वाङले संसद्बाट समाधान नभेटी राजीनामा दिएर जाने स्थिति दुःखद भएको बताउँदै अझै पनि सभामुखका हैसियतले आफूले गर्न सक्ने केही भए गर्न तयार रहेको बताउनुभएको थियो।

सांसदहरूले सभामुखले यथेष्ट पहल गरेको तर राज्य संयन्त्रमा त्रुटि रहेको भन्दै सभामुखको सहयोगका लागि धन्यवाद ज्ञापन गरेका थिए। प्रधानमन्त्रीसमक्ष पदको राजीनामा बुझाउनुभएका ठाकुरले पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा जाँदा मन्त्रीकै मोटर प्रयोग गर्नुभएको थियो।

सांसदहरूले राजीनामा दिएको विषयमा प्रधानमन्त्री गिरिजाप्रसाद कोइराला र सभामुख नेम्वाङबीच सोमबार नै छलफल भयो।

छलफलमा यो विषयलाई गम्भीर रूपमा लिएर अगाडि बढ्न र समयमा वार्तामार्फत निकास खोज्न सभामुखले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई सुझाव दिनुभयो। सभामुख नेम्वाङले सोमबार नै राजीनामाबारे सम्बन्धित दलहरूलाई औपचारिक रूपमा जानकारी दिनुभएको छ।

जनशक्ति पार्टीका प्रवक्ता सर्वेन्द्रनाथ शुक्ल, शाही मन्त्री केशरबहादुर विष्टलाई पार्टीमा प्रवेश गराई महामन्त्री पद दिएपछि त्यतिखेरदेखि नै गम्भीर असन्तुष्ट र निष्क्रिय हुनुहुन्थ्यो भने एमालेका महेन्द्र राय पटकपटक पार्टीको स्पष्टीकरणमा पर्नुभएको थियो।

त्यसै गरी महन्थ ठाकुरलाई कमजोर मन्त्रालय र पार्टीको पदाधिकारी चयन गर्दा आफूभन्दा पछाडिका डा. रामवरण यादवलाई सहमहामन्त्री बनाएकोमा असन्तुष्टि व्यक्त गर्दै आउनुभएको थियो।

Posted on 12-11-07 8:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Could you please delete ChyameKancha's foulmouthed posting ? This idiot still does not GET it, as there is one such reference in my posting below.


Anyway, I came to share with you my posting to Nepal Democracy Forum Google Group on the same topic. I thought it would be my contribution to any discussion that might follow.




*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

From: DK

Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 18:53:33 -0800 (PST)

Local: Mon, Dec 10 2007 9:53 pm

Subject: Re: New Madheshi Party in Offing



Whatever feels necessary/right/good for the cause at the moment.

However, for a long run, it is always more advantageous to have more

people at more places including national political parties,

particularly when I think that now a Madhesi should dream about ruling

not just the Madhes but the whole Nepal, just like Pahadis are doing.

In addition to a strong regional party, a strong presence of Madhesis

in the national political parties does not hurt; probably will serve

better instead.


My 2 cents.





*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From:  XX

Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 21:55:16 -0800

Local: Tues, Dec 11 2007 12:55 am

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: New Madheshi Party in Offing


Deepak Ji:

Very good thoughts.  However, people who have the hold of power in Nepal do

not get it. Recent appointments of ambassadors is a good example.




*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: DK

Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:10:58 -0800 (PST)

Local: Tues, Dec 11 2007 2:10 pm

Subject: Re: New Madheshi Party in Offing




Although I am not sure if the appointment of ambassadors is the best

example (I think it fell into severe partisan sharing rather than into

ethnic bias), I think the greedy Pahadi elite still do not get a lot

of things including "inclusion".


However, not getting things until you really have to is not really

Pahadi specific malady. We ALL do not get things until we really have

to. Take "republic", for example. How long did it take for the

political parties and we, the most intelligent and righteous Nepalis

(I mean the members of this forum) to GET it ?


What this means is that PERSEVERANCE and TIME are what it takes to

make people GET it.


And what that, in turn, means is that one should never give up, never

be complacent, and also never be frustrated and lose the sanity at the

same time.


That brings to me what I really wanted to say today. I think, right

now, in Nepal, there are not only things for the greedy Pahadi elites

to get it, there are things for the super ambitious Madhesi elites to

get it, too.


Not to waste too much of people's time, I would like to put in points

some of the things I think these two groups need to get it right now.



They need to know the price and the consequence of their greed and

their apathy to Madhesi need.



The need to know the limit, if any, [to] their ambition. Particularly

they need to know if the geo-political and contemporary realities of

Madhes allows using "separatist" agenda for any purpose, be it for a

bargaining card or a really an end objective.


So, all in all, it appears to me that it's about a time for some kind

of show down, without which both the greedy and apathetic Pahadi

elites and some super ambitious Madhesi elites do not seem to get it.




*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***



Posted on 12-11-07 9:05 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hotiharu ko ke kam cha ra??" :- Chyame Kancha
When will we grow up and start respecting others ???? Why would madhesi janata want to be ruled by Pahades when most of pahades think and talk like you ? How would you feel if someone calls you "Gede Gurkhe"  ? I don't think foul mouthing will do any better to  anyone.

Posted on 12-11-07 10:01 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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kekena pheri ketaharu pura serious bhayera post delete garna pareko

mulaharu americama basera nepalma 4 janale rajinama diyeko pura discussion

believe me, they will fight tomorrow if not day after tomorrow for the same post. sabai janatako ragat ra pasina khana baseka chorharu hun. kasaile rajinama diyera des bikash hudaina,

desh bikash huna positive optimistic thinking chahinchha and that is wwhat is lacking in these morons.

when a country is underdeveloped there is no right and opportunity.

first make nepal and then you can think of terai afterwards. looking for a separeate terai at this stage will not help.

Posted on 12-12-07 6:02 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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तराईमा पृथक्तावादी आन्दोलनको चेतावनी

नेपाल समाचारपत्र, (काठमाडौं)।
नयाँ पार्टी गठनका लागि सांसद र पार्टी सदस्यबाट समेत राजीनामा दिनुभएका हृदयेश त्रिपाठीले मधेसमा समस्या समाधानका लागि सेना परिचालन गरिएमा पृथक्तावादी आन्दोलन शुरू हुने चेतावनी दिनुभएको छ।

ँअहिले तराई संघीय राज्यका लागि लडिरहेछ तर बल प्रयोग गरियो भने प्रतिकारका लागि सेना गठन गर्नुपर्ने बाध्यता हुन्छ र पृथक्तावादी आन्दोलनको रूप लिन्छ’ -उहाँको भनाइ थियो।

रिपोर्र्टर्स क्लबमा मंगलबार बोल्दै नेता त्रिपाठीले प्रधानमन्त्रीले भारतले चाहे मधेसको समस्या दुई मिनेटमा समाधान हुन्छ भन्नु र माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले सेना परिचालन गर्नुपर्छ भन्नुभएबाट नै तराईमाथि गम्भीर षड्यन्त्र शुरू भएको आरोप लगाउनुभयो। मधेसको समस्या समाधानमा दलहरू गम्भीर नभए ठूलो भूकम्प ल्याइदिने उहाँले चेतावनीसमेत दिनुभयो।

सात दल, सरकार र संसद् मधेसको सबालमा प्रभावहीन भएको बताउँदै उहाँले क्षेत्रीय राज्यका लागि संघर्ष गर्ने तर कुनै पनि पार्टी विशेषलाई कमजोर बनाउने उद्देश्य आफूहरूको नरहेको दाबी गर्नुभयो।

नेपाली कांग्रेसका सहमहामन्त्री डा. रामवरण यादवले कांग्रेसमा लामो समय बिताउनुभएका सहकर्मी महन्थ ठाकुरले पार्टी छाड्दा गम्भीर बनाएको टिप्पणी गर्दै धमिलो पानीमा माछा मार्नेहरूको षड्यन्त्रबाट यस्तो काम भएको हो कि भनी आशंका व्यक्त गर्नुभयो।

राजीनामा दिएर नयाँ पार्टी गठनका लागि गएका नेताहरूले गम्भीरता देखाउने विश्वास व्यक्त गर्दै उहाँले राजनीतिक सहमति बन्दै गर्दा मधेसी सांसदको राजीनामा आउनुले थप शंका उत्पन्न भएको बताउनुभयो।

लोकतन्त्रमा पार्टी छाड्ने र खोल्ने अधिकार जोकसैलाई भए पनि यो उचित समय नभएकाले गम्भीर हुनुपर्ने बताउँदै उहाँले पार्टीका थुप्रै नेता जाँदा पनि नेपाली कांग्रेस लोकतन्त्रका लागि निरन्तर अगाडि बढिरहेको इतिहास नभुल्न पनि पार्टी छोडेर जानेहरूलाई सुझाव दिनुभयो।

नेकपा (एमाले) स्थायी कमिटी सदस्य वामदेव गौतमले विभिन्न कुनाबाट चलखेल र षड्यन्त्र भइरहेको बताउँदै मधेसका लागि छुट्टै दल खोल्नेहरू जमिनदारी र युद्ध सरदारका विचारबाट प्रेरित नहुन् भनी कामना गर्नुभयो।

क्षेत्रीयताका आधारमा मात्र संघात्मक राज्य बन्न नसक्ने भन्दै उहाँले भाषा, समुदाय, जातिलगायतका विषयलाई पनि ध्यान दिनुपर्ने बताउनुभयो। आफूले पनि विगतमा पार्टी फुटाएको स्मरण गराउँदै उहाँले दल फुटाएर चलाउन सकिँदो रहेनछ भन्नुभयो।

नेकपा (माओवादी) का डेपुटी कमान्डर वर्षमान पुन (अनन्त) ले मधेसका सांसदको राजीनामाले नयाँ राजनीतिक ध्रुवीकरणको संकेत गरेको र घटनाका पछाडि कसै न कसैको हात रहेको ठोकुवा गर्दै राजनीतिक सहमति निर्माण हुनै लाग्दा मधेसका सांसदहरूबाट राजीनामा आएकाले गम्भीर षड्यन्त्रको संकेत गरेको बताउनुभयो।

सो अवसरमा राष्ट्रिय जनशक्ति पार्टीका प्रवक्ताबाट राजीनामा दिनुभएका सर्वेन्द्रनाथ शुक्लले १५ दिनभित्र नयाँ दल खोल्ने बताउनुभयो। उहाँले ठूला दलका उल्लेख्य नेता तथा कार्यकर्ता आफूहरूको सम्पर्कमा आइसकेको दाबी गर्दै सशक्त क्षेत्रीय दलका रूपमा स्थापित हुने बताउनुभयो।

राजीनामाको स्वागत
मधेसी जनअधिकार फोरमले चार सांसदद्वारा दिएको राजीनामा स्वागतयोग्य भन्दै गैरमधेसी राजनीतिक दलहरूमा संलग्न सबै मधेसीहरू पार्टी त्याग गरी ँस्वशासित स्वायत्त मधेस प्रदेश’ मा एक हुन आग्रह गरेको छ।

अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र यादवद्वारा मंगलबार जारी विज्ञप्तिमा अब निर्णायक उपलब्धिपूर्ण आन्दोलनमा जुट्नुको अर्को विकल्प नभएको उल्लेख गरिएको छ।

Posted on 12-12-07 6:30 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Leaders blame palace, India for unrest in Terai

Political leaders have claimed that the King and India have hands in creating crisis in Terai region.

They have said the resignation of minister Mahantha Thakur and three other parliamentarians from their positions was part of a game to create further turmoil in the Terai plains.

Minister for Peace and Reconstruction Ram Chandra Poudel alleged the royal palace of hatching conspiracy to instigate violence in Terai.

Addressing a gathering of the party cadres in Nepalgunj on Wednesday, Minister Poudel said the palace is trying to split the Nepali Congress.

Poudel, who is the vice president of the Nepali Congress, however said the problem in Terai would be resolved at the earliest.

Meanwhile, chairman of the Nepal Workers and Peasant Party (NWPP) Narayan Man Bijukchhe has blamed India for fuelling instability in Nepal, especially in Terai.

Stating that the resignation of lawmakers and minister was encouraged by India, Bijukchhe said India raised the issue of ‘free Terai’ to bring instability and conflict in Nepal.

Speaking to journalists in Butwal on Wednesday, the NWPP leader said it was important that seven parties and the government concentrated on Terai issue seriously before it goes out of hand.

He also claimed that encroachment in border areas, construction of roads along the borders and instigating unrest in Terai signalled India's interference into Nepal. nepalnews.com ia Dec 12 07

Posted on 12-12-07 12:24 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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राजीनामा गर्ने सांसद तथा नेताहरुलाई माओवादी पार्टीमा आउन प्रचण्डको आग्रह

नेपाल होराइजन्स् सम्वाददाता

२६ मंसिर - काठमाडौ । माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले महन्थ ठाकुर लगायत मधेशी नेताहरुको पछिल्लो क्रियाकलापले मुलुकको राजनीतिक गतिरोध अझ बढ्ने बताउनु भएको छ ।

माओवादीले गरेको मेची-महाकाली हातेमालो अभियानमा सरिक हुन जनकपुर जाने क्रममा रौतहटमा प्रचण्डले यस्तो धारणा व्यक्त गर्नुभएको हो । रौतहटको चन्द्रनिगाहपुरमा पार्टीका अगुवा कार्यकर्तासँगको भेटपछि पत्रकारसँग प्रचण्डले- मधेशी सांसदहरुको राजिनामाले शान्ति प्रक्रियामा कुनै असर नपर्ने बताउनुभयो ।

यसअघि हेटौडामा भने सञ्चारकर्मीहरुसँग प्रचण्डले मधेसी मुद्दाका लागि राजीनामा दिएका नेताहरूलाई माओवादीमा आउन आग्रह गर्नुभयो । भूगोलका आधारमा राजनीतिक दल बनाउनु दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण हुने र यो मधेसी जनताकै निम्ति पनि राम्रो नहुने भन्दै उहाँले उनीहरुलाई आफ्नो पार्टीमा आमन्त्रण गर्नुभएको हो ।

पछिल्लोपटक प्रधानमन्त्रीसँग भएको छलफलबारे बताउदै उहाँले काग्रेस गणतन्त्रबारे अगाडि बढ्न र समानुपातिक निर्वाचनको विषयमा लचिलो भएको जानकारी दिनुभयो । शान्तिप्रक्रिया, जनसेनाको शिविर व्यवस्थापनदेखि बेपत्ताहरूको खोजी गर्ने र राहत दिने, घाइतेहरूको उपचारमा पनि सरकार सकारात्मक देखिएको उहाँको भनाई छ ।

भोलिसम्ममा धेरै महत्वपूर्ण कुराका सहमति हुनेछ -उहाँले भन्नुभयोे । मन्त्रिमण्डल पुनर्गठनको माग गर्दै अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले मुख्य मन्त्रालय र उपप्रधानमन्त्रीको सवालमा सहमति हुनुपर्ने बताउनुभयो । पत्रकारसम्मेलनमा नेता डा.बाबुराम भट्टराई, रामबहादुर थापा 'बादल', मातृकाप्रसाद यादवसहितका नेताहरुको उपस्थिति थियो ।

त्यस्तै, जनकपुरको तिरहुतिया गाछीमा गरिएको मधेशी राष्ट्रिय मुक्तिमोर्चाको कार्यक्रममा भने माओवादी अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले मधेशी मुक्तिको आवाज उठाउने पहिलो पार्टी माओवादी भएको दावी गर्नु भयो ।

अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले दोश्रो दर्जाको नागरिक रहेको मधेशी समुदायको मुक्तिका लागि माओवादीले १२ वर्षदेखि विद्रोह गरिरहेको बताउनु भयो । संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र र समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली देशमा लागू भएपछि मधेशी समुदाय, आदिवासी, दलित जनजाति सबै अधिकार सम्पन्न हुने उहाँको भनाई छ ।

माओवादी नेताहरु डा. बाबुराम भट्टराई, रामबहादुर थापा बादल, मातृका यादवसहितका वक्ताहरुले संघीय लोकतान्त्रिक गणतन्त्र र समानुपातिक निर्वाचन प्रणाली लागु नभए संघर्ष गर्नुपर्ने बताए ।

Posted on 12-12-07 5:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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विखण्डन हुन दिंदैनौं

संसद् पुनर्स्थापना हुनासाथ मसहित हृदयेश त्रिपाठी, महेन्द्र यादव र विजय गच्छदारबीच छलफल भएको थियो। क्षेत्रीय दल बनाउने आवश्यकता त्यस बेलै खड्केको हो। अहिले क्षेत्रीय दल गठनको प्रक्रिया प्रारम्भ भएको छ। यो सामूहिक चिन्तनकै उपज हो।
जेपी गुप्ता
नेता, नेपाली कांग्रेस

मधेशी नेताहरूको राजीनामा आउनुको कारण के हो ?
मुलुकले संघीयतालाई स्वीकार गर्यो र संघीयता भइसकेपछि क्षेत्रीय पार्टीको अवधारणा आउनु नितान्त स्वाभाविक हो। संसारभरका उदाहरण छन्, राष्ट्रिय पार्टीहरुले क्षेत्रीय अनुकूल आफूलाई ढाल्न सक्तैनन्। दुवैको सोचको दूरी र कार्यक्षेत्रको सीमा फरक हुन्छ।

त्यसैले संघीयतालाई स्वीकार गर्नेबित्तिकै क्षेत्रीय पार्टीको निर्माण हुनु वाञ्छनीय छ। यही बीचमा मधेशमा हत्या र हिंसा भयो, त्यसमा राष्ट्रिय पार्टीको दृष्टिकोण बनेन। एकातिर प्रधानमन्त्रीले भारतसँग कुरा गर्ने, अर्कोतिर माओवादीले सैनिक लगाएर दमन गर्ने कुरा गरे। त्यसैले राजनीतिक रिक्ततालाई पूर्ति गर्न यो निर्णयमा पुग्नुपरेको हो।

मधेशलाई छुट्टै राज्य भनेर देश टुक्र्याउन खोजेको भन्ने आरोप छ नि ?
त्यो गलत बुझाइ हो। मधेशको समस्या समाधान गर्ने र मुलुकलाई विखण्डनबाट जोगाउन गरिएको कार्य हो। मधेशमा दुई थरी संघर्ष भएपछि सात दलको समीकरणले बीचको बाटो पहिल्याउनुपथ्र्यो, त्यो गर्न सकेन।

आन्दोलनकारीको अपेक्षा पूरा गर्न थालिएको कदमलाई अन्यथा सोच्नु हुँदैन। एउटा सशस्त्र संघर्ष चलेको, अर्को शान्तिपूर्ण संघर्ष भइरहेको समयमा कि त सशस्त्र समूहले जित्नुपर्यो, कि त राज्यले दमन गर्न सक्नुपर्यो। त्यो स्थितिमा सकारात्मक कार्यका लागि नेपालको अखण्डताभित्रै रहेर आवश्यक कदम चालिएको हो।

यो सबै गराउने ँडिजाइनर’ तपाईं नै हो भन्छन् नि ?
संसद् पुनर्स्थापना हुनासाथ मसहित हृदयेश त्रिपाठी, महेन्द्र यादव र विजय गच्छदारबीच छलफल भएको थियो। क्षेत्रीय दल बनाउने आवश्यकता त्यस बेलै खड्केको हो। अहिले क्षेत्रीय दल गठनको प्रक्रिया प्रारम्भ भएको छ।

यो सामूहिक चिन्तनकै उपज हो। दल निर्माण बाँकी छ। त्यो प्रक्रिया छिट्टै पूरा हुने विश्वास छ। सबैलाई एक ठाउँमा ल्याएर शान्तिपूर्ण संघर्ष गर्ने र समस्या समाधान गर्ने हाम्रो दक्ष्य हो।

मधेशी नेताहरूको यो कदमले देशको राजनीति र संविधानसभा निर्वाचनलाई के असर पार्छ ?
यो कदमले देशको राजनीतिलाई संघीयताको नारामा मात्र सीमित हुन दिंदैन। संघीयतालाई प्रवर्द्धन गर्ने र सात दललाई संघीयताबाट भाग्न नदिने काम गर्छ। सबैले बिर्सिनुहुँदैन कि संघीयता नेपालको चाहना र आवश्यकता हो। अर्को कुरा, संविधानसभा प्रमुख प्रँथमिकता हो।

संविधानसभाबाट मात्र राज्यको पुनर्संरचना र संघीयता स्थापित हुने हो, त्यसैले क्षेत्रीय दलले संविधानसभालाई अनिवार्य गर्नेछ र संविधानसभा निर्वाचन चाँडो गराउन दबाब सिर्जना गर्नुका साथै वातावरण पनि बनाउँछ।

प्रस्तुतिः टंक पन्त

Posted on 12-12-07 6:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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सर्वत्र समावेशीकरणको माग भईरहेको बेला लोकसेवा आयोगले पहिलो पटक सरकारी अधिकृत पदको निम्ति विभिन्न वर्ग, जाति र समुदायलाई आरक्षणको व्यवस्थासहित दरखास्त आव्हान गरेको छ।

सरकारी दैनिक पत्रिका गोरखापत्रमा बुधबार प्रकाशित विज्ञापनमा खुल्ला प्रतिष्पर्धाबाट पदपूर्ति गरिने प्राविधिक अधिकृतको जम्मा २५१ वटा पदमध्ये १०९ वटा आरक्षणको निम्ति छुट्टयाइएको छ।

जस अनुसार ४५ जना महिला, २९ जना आदिवासी- जनजाति, २० जना मधेशी , ११ जना दलित र २ -२ जना अपाङ्ग तथा पिछडिएको क्षेत्रका बासिन्दाले प्राविधिक अधिकृत बन्ने अवसर पाउने छन्।

उनीहरुले खुल्ला प्रतिष्पर्धाको १४२ वटा पदमापनि स्पर्धा गर्न सक्नेछन्।

सरकारले निजामती सेवा ऐनमा गरेको व्यवस्था अनुसार आयोगले त्यसप्रकारको विज्ञापन प्रकाशित गरेको हो।

आयोगले लिखित परीक्षा र अन्तर्वार्ताको स्तर वा मापदण्डमा भने कुनै परिवर्तन नगरिने जनाएको छ।

 १५ -२० वर्षकै निम्ति त्यसो गरिंदैन। समाज र विभिन्न वर्ग सक्षम हुँदै जाँदा फेरी पहिले जस्तै खुला प्रतिष्पर्धा गरिनेछ।
लोक सेवा आयोगका सचिव डा निरन्जनप्रसाद उपाध्याय


आलोचकहरुले निश्चित व्यक्तिबीच मात्र प्रतिष्पर्धा हुँदा सक्षम र योग्य व्यक्तिहरुको निम्ति सरकारी जागिरको बाटो साँघुरो भई उनीहरुभन्दा कम योग्यले प्रवेश पाउने बताउँदै आएका छन्।

तर लोकसेवा आयोगका निमित्त सचिव डा . निरन्जनप्रसाद उपाध्यायले त्यस्तो व्यवस्था संधैको निम्ति नगरिएको बताए।

उनले भने, "१५ -२० वर्षकै निम्ति त्यसो गरिंदैन। समाज र विभिन्न वर्ग सक्षम हुँदै जाँदा फेरी पहिले जस्तै खुला प्रतिष्पर्धा गरिनेछ।"

आरक्षण गरिएका अन्य वर्ग र समुदायको जस्तो मधेशीको वर्गीकरण नभएकोले उनीहरुको पहिचानको निम्ति आयोगले गाउँ विकास समिति र प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारीले गर्ने सिफारिसलाई आधार बनाउने भएको छ।

तर सिफारिस गर्नेहरुलाई चाहिं पहिचानको मापदण्ड बनाउँदा समस्या पर्ने देखिन्छ।

डा. उपाध्यायले भने, "सरकारले त्यसबारे ठोस निर्णय गर्नु पर्छ। "

अब पदपूर्ति गरिने सहायक स्तरदेखि उच्च अधिकृत पदहरुमा पनि आरक्षणको व्यवस्था गरिने आयोगले जनाएको छ।

निजामती सेवा ऐनमा गरिएको व्यवस्था अनुसार आयोगले आरक्षणको व्यवस्था गरेको हो।

समावेशीकरणको यस्तो प्रयास भने २००८ सालमा स्थापित लोकसेवा आयोगद्वारा पहिलो पटक गरिएको हो।

Posted on 12-13-07 6:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Last April, a group Nepali intellectuals from ND forum had written a “white paper” outlining their recommendations for resolving the Terai conflict.


I am sharing here a marathon discussion that happened on the eve of the publication of that paper in various Nepali papers.


It was basically my refusal to be a signatory to the document and my follow-up exchanges with the members of the group.


I had refused to support the paper citing three weaknesses in it (1) it lacked substance, (2) it lacked audacity to tell the agitators about the norms (non-violence, national integrity, and communal harmony) they should follow, and (3) it showed basically an intellectual bankruptcy by endorsing scape-goating HM Sitaula for the lapses the state and the head of the state/government was actually responsible.


Hope the discussion and my arguments could be interesting to the readers interested in this thread.




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Nepal Democracy Forum


From: XX

Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 20:24:42 -0500

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear Concerned Members of the North American Nepali Diaspora and Friends of



After almost a month of brainstorming and exchange of ideas on ND Forum, we

have come up with the attached White Paper outlining the North American

Nepali Diaspora's perspective on the Resolution of the Current Terai

Conflict. We understand that it may not reflect the views of ALL the

individuals; nonetheless, we have tried our best to come up with a

compromise document encompassing diverse views and forward looking



Please extend your support by becoming one of the signatories of this

important document.  You can e-mail to Mr…. …to be included in the "List of Signatories".  ....




[Note: The “White Paper” was published in several papers including KOL

without any revision, that is, ignoring all the discussion (see below) that

followed this message in ND forum. Nepe]






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From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 10:13:31 -0700

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear NAC/ANTA friends and others,


I have decided not to sign the "White paper" in it's current form.

Here is my explanation


The suggestion to the government to legislate anti-discriminatory laws

is the only novel idea and hence a unique contribution of the white



All other recommendations/suggestions are not new and, more

importantly, are of "procedural" (how to do it) rather than

"substantial"(what is acceptable and what is not) nature and since

Nepal's current problems, in my view at least, are largely of

"substantial" rather than "procedural" nature, I doubt if the white

paper is making a substantial contribution, of course except the one I

mentioned at the beginning.


Having said that, I find some serious and extremely consequential

lapses and bad judgments in the document which are keeping me from

signing it.


I am putting them in points as follows.


1. I believe one of the major problems of the moment for Nepal is the

directionless (or with multidirections) agitation in Terai and it's

handling by the government and, as a matter of fact, this is what we

wanted to address originally and this document came about.


While the paper gives a fairly comprehensive "substantial" suggestion

to the government (the opening para of the document), it fails even to

dare to give such "substantial" suggestions to the agitators.


I think we must tell clearly, loudly and categorically the agitating

parties in Terai that (i) the integrity of Nepal, and (ii) communal

harmony, are the bottomline/bed-rock/agnirekha for any kind of

agitation/movement/revolt at this juncture of Nepal's history.


A clear, unambiguous, vocal and CONSTANT expression of commitment to

these two fundamental principles is the first and the last conditions

for the legitimacy of any agitation in Nepal. We must insist on this.


We can not miss this point. Otherwise our "white paper" will be a

"gray paper".


2. The most serious lapse in the document is that in many ways it

gives a clean chit to MJF regarding the Gaur massacre and puts the

blame instead on the Maoists and the home minister, Krishna P.



3. Putting the blame of mishandling squarely on the home minister (and

not on the prime minister or whoever was "actually", and not

"morally", responsible for the incidents) is a poor judgment.


Similarly, reducing the "hurt feeling of the citizens of Madhesh" to

K. P. Sitaula (and not the whole long suppressive and discriminatory

history of Nepal) and recommending his resignation to "create

conducive environment for dialogue with leaders of Madhesh movement"

when, as we know, these "leaders of Madhesh movement" are refusing to

GUARANTEE the dialog that the government has asked for in return to

the resignation of the home minister whose guilt is yet to be proved

in a full legal sense aren't smart judgment.


So, unless these lapses and poor judgments are corrected, I am sorry

to let all those who worked so hard to produce this document and all

those who found it "eloquent voice" of the diaspora that I am unable

to endorse and sign it.


With due apology,


Deepak Khadka



*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: XX

Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 18:00:30 -0000

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear Deepak ji:


Thanks for your comments on the White Paper. Thanks for at least

supporting ONE recommendation of the Paper.  You have all the rights,

as I've stated in my e-mail, NOT to agree with the content(s) of the

White Paper.


I just would like to clarify that the White Paper is NOT from ANTA and/

or NAC.


The two (2) things that you want to tell clearly, loudly and

categorically below are/will be, in my opinion, the by-products of NOT

doing what are being suggested in the White Paper.  Majority of

Madheshis love Nepal as much as you love, if not more. Needless to

mention, they also love and respect their pahadi neighbors much more

than the love and respect exhibited to them by their pahadi neighbors.

Hope most of the members - especially those who have lived or

experienced Terai will agree with my assertion.


Lastly, I too would like to exercise my personal freedom and,

respectfully, disagree with the rest of your comments - especially

those pertainting to the resignation of Mr. Sitaula, and MPRF.




A Concerned Member of NA Nepali Diaspora



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From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 21:56:25 -0000

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear XX-jee,


There is not just one but are hundreds other things in the paper that

I support. In fact, except for those three issues I raised, I support

and endorse all other things in the paper.


And I totally agree with you that nobody can and should question

Madheshi people's love for Nepal and mutual respect to other

communities. I am not questioning it at all and I want to make that

absolutely clear.


What I am questioning is rather certain aspects of MJF/JTMM's

agitations. I think they are quite comfortably and almost legitimately

using (i) threat to Nepal's integrity, (ii) threat to non-Madhesis in

Madhesh and (iii) use of communal hatred, as bargaining capital of

their agitations. No wonder the initial huge support and solidarity to

the initial movement from all section of Nepali societies have

dramatically evaporated.


Anyway, my emphasis is that we (the white paper) must let the

agitating parties know our view regarding the moral, ethical and

political boundaries for the legitimacy of their agitations.


On your disagreements on other two points, I would express my

respectful disagreement with you likewise.


Thank you once again for your response and I really appreciate the

time and energy you and other friends have invested to bring about

this otherwise pretty good document.







*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: YY

Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 15:58:49 -0700

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear Deepak jee


sorry for jumping in. Its nice to know that you agree on most of the

points raised in white Paper and I express my thanks for you


But your attempt to equate JTMM and MJF is not the idea, I will

conform to. MJF has never expressed support for disintegration. There

is no proof of their seperatist tendency, even though they may have

erred on political strategies. You may have seen Devanand's hindi

movie "guide"....An ordinary man is forced to behave as if he is a

saint/prophet or whatever. Attempts to corner MJF too much, may lead

to such tendencies in their support base> (I am among one of them).

Regarding seperatist ideology of JTMM....I don't see any reason to

support such demands at the moment as Madhesi and we have

categorically asked them to denounce violence.But equally important is

that support of teretorial integrity of Nepal or any country in the

world, is not eternal and it depends on how a particular group/

individual in a country is treated by national institutions. To be

very frank, I can not extend my unconditional support for teretorial

integrity of Nepal but I will fight with all my strength to do so till

I have "hope". And I think, my "hope" will endure long. And I hope,

our collective resolve to create a just society will be able to resist

"communal hatred" perpetuated by handful of individuals either in

state apparatus or in some "underground" organizations.

 Politics is an emotional game.....it depends on us what type of

emotionality we like to prevail in Madhesh or nepal........so let us

work to respect "emotions" of people. Political decisions are not

taken in a "Lab" or a particular research setting. "human subjects"

are involved in that decision making process and they are guided by

"emotions". "People "

laugh, smile, fight, envy, love, get angry, cry, have tendencty to

rebel when cornered, compromise and so on......"people" are human

beings.....We must admit that.

The white paper proposed is a mixture of such human tendencies.....and

I respect your right to disagree.....Thanks for you engagement on this



********* ************ **************** ***********


From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 05:10:41 -0000

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear YY-jee,


My combined gunaaso to MJF and JTMM was as follows:


"What I am questioning is rather certain aspects of MJF/JTMM's

agitations. I think they are quite comfortably and almost legitimately

using (i) threat to Nepal's integrity, (ii) threat to non-Madhesis in

Madhesh and (iii) use of communal hatred, as bargaining capital of

their agitations. No wonder the initial huge support and solidarity to

the initial movement from all section of Nepali societies have

dramatically evaporated."



words. My impression is made from the secondary sources of

information--reports in the media and conversations with friends. So I

could be wrong to the extent I am getting false informations. If MJF

is not using "threat" to nation's integrity and communal harmony as

it's "bargaining capital", it is a good news. Even then, the expressed

committment to the intergrity of the nation and communal harmony might

go a long way to restore the evaporated support it's movement once it



So it would an important step towards "salvaging" NJF led Madhesi

movement for good of everybody.


As for seccession as a political right,I beleive one of many

principles proposed to be enshrined in the new constitution of Nepal

will address it with utmost fairness and, I would like to proudly

emphasize, with a higher conciousness than the democracy of India. The

principle of the 'right of self determination' espoused by NJF's

paradoxical arch rival the Maoists is the one I am thinking about.


So I beleive it is in everybody's, even the secessionist's interst to

make the election of Constituent Assembly a success.


In any case, asking NJF to do things to win back the support and the

trust of Nepal and Nepalis loving Madhesis and non-Madhesis once it

had would not be "cornering" it. It would be "salvaging" NJF and

Madhesi movement.


My 2 cents.


Deepak Khadka



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From: LJ

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 14:51:56 -0000

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


I think may be White paper should have included following suggestion

by Deepak Jee:


"I think we must tell clearly, loudly and categorically the agitating

parties in Terai that (i) the integrity of Nepal, and (ii) communal

harmony, are the bottomline/bed-rock/agnirekha for any kind of

agitation/movement/revolt at this juncture of Nepal's history"


I think there is value to Deepak Jee's following comments in this



" If MJF is not using "threat" to nation's integrity and communal

harmony as it's "bargaining capital", it is a good news. Even then, the

expressed committment to the intergrity of the nation and communal

harmony might go a long way to restore the evaporated support it's

movement once it had."


I see how MJF's coomittement as outlined above could go long way

soothing concern of Pahadi cummunity and folks who truly sympathizes

with madheshi issue.








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From: PS

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 10:09:42 -0500

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


I do support Deepakji's clarification points regarding MJF and

Vishwanathjee's address to the intellectuals be added on the white paper.

In solidarity




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From: XX

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:34:23 -0000

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear All:


I appreciate all the new modifications suggested by many members of

this forum as well as some intellectuals from back home. I really like

these suggestions. However, as we have already sent the White Paper in

its current form to most of the Stakeholders and some 500 additional

recipients worldwide, I feel it may not be a good idea to re-send to

these people/organizations. Also, we have received quotations from

several newspapers from Nepal to publish it.


I, therefore, request you to understand our situation, and allow us to

move forward.






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From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 13:50:48 -0400

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear XX-jee,


We've got a serious situation here owing to a new political development back



I am reading in the media that MJF has withdrawn it's demand of Home

minister's resignation as a pre-condition to talk. And here we are with a

white paper calling for Sitaula's resignation.


I think we are going to look stupid rather than intelligent with what we

have in the paper at this point.


This really calls for immediate withdrawal and a serious review of the



Besides the issue of Sitaula, we also have other things to review as

supported by Lalit-jee, Padam-jee, Ambika-jee and other friends.


So I think it's really what they call a situation here.



Deepak Khadka



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From: AA

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:55:43 -0700

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear Deepak jee


The situation may not be as serious as you have said, for two reasons.  One,

the White paper was disseminated two days ago, so the news today is after

the fact.  Ratan jee has said the WP has already been distributed to some

500  individuals.


Second, the paper speaks for the concerned North American Diaspora only, so

if the feelings and readings of the Diaspora members remain the same, it is

OK to leave the paragraph as it is.  Further, the white paper does not

really demand KPS resignation, but suggest that the hurt feelings of

Madheshi citizens of Nepali may be healed by his resignation.  So, I think

we can leave it as it is, and date the white paper (April 14, 2007).


The news you forwarded is a welcome news.  KPS's resignation was only an

emotional issue for some, because it is the political process in Nepal that

does the necessary balancing act of appointments as needed on the ground.  I

am glad the MPRF and others are willing to talk to the government.  Dialogue

is the key to the resolution of all Madhesh related problems in Nepal.






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From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 15:10:25 -0400

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict




If a low number [of] signatories is no problem and, I would like to remind what happened with the famous "middle-ground paper", an after-math embarrassment is no problem, then the situation is probably not as serious.


Since I am not a signatory to this paper, I probably should not be as restless as I am now ;-)


Partly in jest,





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From: AT

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 20:52:42 +0000

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: RE: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear AA Ji and XX Ji,


Thank you for clarifying several issues regarding the White paper. As I have mentioned several times, the home minister's resignation is a moral issue, not a political issue. If there is huge loss of lives and property and if there is evidence that it was because of administration's failure, the government should take moral responsibility for its failure.


After the return of the members of the UNMIN from the visit to Gaur, the UNMIN released a press note mentioning: “The killings in Gaur have exposed the lack of effective policing in many parts of the country.”


Many people from Madeshi community feel that they have been badly treated or mistreated during the demostrations mainly because of Home Minister-Maoist nexus. As the concerned members of Diaspora, we have no regret in asking Home Minister's resignation if the hurt feelings of Madheshi citizens of Nepali is healed.






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From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:49:08 -0400

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict




The supreme moral responsibility, even in absence of any context, goes to the head of the government, Mr. Girija P Koirala, unless you have evidence that the home minister is "actually" responsible for what happened. It's pretty basic logic on morality.


Now if you put the whole thing in context of government's position or lack thereof regarding the Madhesh uprising, it's issue and the government's own reaction, Mr. Koirala will turn out to be 100% responsible.


It was this short-sighted Koirala who had succeeded to drop "federalism" from the interim constitution, which right away triggered Madhesi movement (no it's not Lahan that triggered the uprising) and became the major political demand of it and was accepted after so many Madhesis sacrificed their lives.


If we talk about Koirala's love for the old order, eliticism and antagonism for the kind of restructuring of the state of Nepal that Madhesh rised up for, Koirala would be 1000% responsible for what caused the initial neglect and suppression of Madhesi movement.


A____T-jee, this is the objective reality around what happened in Madhesh and who caused it.


Sitaula is a mere scapegoat for what Koirala is both actually and morally responsible for.


Call of Sitaula's resignation is only two things: cowardice of those who fear Koirala and a vested interest of those who wants to protect Koirala.


Now I challenge you all: Dare to call for the resignation of prime minister on the actual moral ground !


Chha koi mai ka lal ?


Deepak Khadka



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From: AA

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 00:06:51 +0000

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: RE: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear Deepak Ji,


Well, people have different prospective and different angles when they analyze things. Take for example, some people blamed President Bush for the failure in Iraq and others wanted Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to go because the Department of Defense (DoD) handles all the matters from formulating war and peace-building plans to implementing and fine-tuning them. On the other hand, it is the President who finally approves all decisions directly or indirectly. It is up to each rational individual to decide who should be blamed.


Warm regards,




*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 20:54:28 -0400

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear AT-jee,


I will not bother much on that issue. I will agree to disagree and to move on.


However, I must emphasize that my argument was that Mr. Sitaula, unlike Rumsfeld in being one of the architects of Iraq war, is not the "architect" of what government did in Terai. I have already explained how that got happened and who actually is responsible. So no more argument.

… …




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From: AA

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:03:58 -0700

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear Deepak jee:


While appreciating your impeccable logic and water tight writings almost all

the time, I think on this occasion your challenge asking for the PM's

resignation is misplaced.


I am among the people you have indicated who support GPK.  Support for any

living politician comes with many qualifications, and can be costly for most

individuals; and particularly for us here who have no personal or

tangible gain from it, but only exposes us to criticisms.


As I have said many times before, there is no end to a debate on our

personal preferences, suppoort, and opposition to individual politicians in

Nepal.  It may not even have any meaning, and perhaps, a worthless debate.


However, In GPK's case, I think he is the only political figure who was able

to bring the fragile, unstable, but critical coherence in the Nepali

politics after the fall of KG, and possibly that of monarchy.  For all his

shortcomings, and lack of intellectual credentials (which he has never

claimed) his consistency, dedication, and intuition have proved valuable in

bringing Nepal to this largely positive transformation.  He has the stature,

statesmanship and courage to unite the country in this most difficult period

of transition.


Personally, I think his vision of the nation has prevailed over many other

competing visions.


I know I am opening  up myself for bullets, but I am fine writing this.  I

also think there is not much point criticising GPK and asking for his

resignation at this point, which I believe will be extremely



With regards.





*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 20:36:20 -0400

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict




Thank you for you kind words and views.


It's not that I do not have a thing or two to appreciate about Koirala. However, looking at where we stand now and thinking where we could have been, had we have a slightestly progressive person in place of Koirala, I can not help giving him a negative grade.


However, since Koirala is the only contestant in the class, even his poor grade is the best grade !


I think, basically this is what you and I are looking at differently.


That said, I am glad you talked about Koirala and the dharma-sankat they bring to one pointing finger at Koirala.


Because that's exactly my point.


Now I can rest my case.


Best regards,




*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Posted on 12-13-07 6:06 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: AA

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 17:03:58 -0700

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict


Dear Deepak jee:


While appreciating your impeccable logic and water tight writings almost all

the time, I think on this occasion your challenge asking for the PM's

resignation is misplaced.


I am among the people you have indicated who support GPK.  Support for any

living politician comes with many qualifications, and can be costly for most

individuals; and particularly for us here who have no personal or

tangible gain from it, but only exposes us to criticisms.


As I have said many times before, there is no end to a debate on our

personal preferences, suppoort, and opposition to individual politicians in

Nepal.  It may not even have any meaning, and perhaps, a worthless debate.


However, In GPK's case, I think he is the only political figure who was able

to bring the fragile, unstable, but critical coherence in the Nepali

politics after the fall of KG, and possibly that of monarchy.  For all his

shortcomings, and lack of intellectual credentials (which he has never

claimed) his consistency, dedication, and intuition have proved valuable in

bringing Nepal to this largely positive transformation.  He has the stature,

statesmanship and courage to unite the country in this most difficult period

of transition.


Personally, I think his vision of the nation has prevailed over many other

competing visions.


I know I am opening  up myself for bullets, but I am fine writing this.  I

also think there is not much point criticising GPK and asking for his

resignation at this point, which I believe will be extremely



With regards.





*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 20:36:20 -0400

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: White Paper on Resolving the Terai Conflict




Thank you for you kind words and views.


It's not that I do not have a thing or two to appreciate about Koirala. However, looking at where we stand now and thinking where we could have been, had we have a slightestly progressive person in place of Koirala, I can not help giving him a negative grade.


However, since Koirala is the only contestant in the class, even his poor grade is the best grade !


I think, basically this is what you and I are looking at differently.


That said, I am glad you talked about Koirala and the dharma-sankat they bring to one pointing finger at Koirala.


Because that's exactly my point.


Now I can rest my case.


Best regards,




*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

The end


Posted on 12-13-07 8:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Instead of posting selected conversations out of NepalDemocracy forum, I would challenge you to let any one read the postings in your forum. My question is why are you afraid of letting anyone read these postings? I certainly agree with the idea of keeping control on posting feature, it will be mainly to avoid the forum being flooded by spams: pharmacuticals to viagra ads, but I don't understand why a community that is supposed to discuss on democracy is behaving like dictator's club fooling people calling it democracy club.

I am just amazed by the use of word "democracy", and "maintaining the confidentiality". If you have guts, let every one can read it, why should I Identify in order to just read what some said. That is a fun on word "democracy". If you have guts, lets face public. You don't need to post here filtered out talks, you would have rather posted only the URL link.

In democracy, we should make informed decisions, and we don't make decisioins first, and inform you later. This posting about white paper is a decision made elsewhere is informed here for public consumption, in the name of democracy. Have fun on Democracy.


You may read the comment on http://www.nwob.org/?q=node/54 
titled: Informed Decision or Decision Informed: a Joke via Sajha.com by a NepalDemocracy at GoogleGroups.com forum member

You have to be member of the group to read on this group.


Please return to the main page.

Last edited: 13-Dec-07 08:59 PM
Last edited: 13-Dec-07 09:02 PM

Posted on 12-19-07 1:43 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am sharing here a recent discussion in Nepal Democracy Forum on this new development regarding Madhes. Several Pahadi and Madhesi members shared a guarded optimism and hoped that it might actually help solve Terai problem by bringing the armed groups of Terai into the fold of a united and peaceful movement.


I too share the hope. However, what I remain fearful about is that there is a pervasive perception among Madhesi intellectuals and politicians to see the armed and secessionist groups of Terai as a CARD and that this newly forming party might get caught into the same psychological trap.


Falling into that trap is losing the support/sympathy/solidarity of the progressive Pahadi mass and getting into, what I believe is, a never winning conflict.


I therefore was suggesting that Madhesi movement should be careful not to fall into the psychological trap of the armed and secessionist groups of Terai and instead to rely on and fight with the MORAL STRENGH of the Madhesi cause and the SUPPORT to it from the PROGREESIVE Pahadis.


I have had also a chance to elaborate on the progressive and conservative mindsets of Pahadis and make a point about how the conservative mindsets are being defeated in recent time in Nepal.


In short, I was suggesting that the prevailing progressive idealism in Nepal rather than the pervasive attraction to tricky bargain is a better bet for Madhesi movement for now and for any foreseeable future.





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Selected postings from Nepal Democracy Google Group:



From: ZZ

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:30:22 -0500

To : nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?


Here are two views of the recent Tarai MPs and minister decision to form a

new regional Tarai party.


Prachanda looks at this through  the eyes of a "Pahade Nationalist"...



While Dr. Prakash Chandra Lohani looks at it through the eyes of someone

with deep faith in voters and in multi-party competitive democracy and





While one can never rule out the role of foreign elements in this new

development, at this point I am much more inclined to go with Dr. Lohani's

rational, pluralistic, optimistic, and non-alarmist take on

this development rather than the paranoic and cloistered "us vs. them" view

of Prachanda (which, btw, is shared among many knee-jerk pahade nationlist

politicians in the mainstream parties and intelligentsia).


Additionally, I see one more huge silver lining in this development:  the

senior and serious leaders now coalescing around this new tarai

party-formation project seem to have the resources and following to

undermine and co-opt the much more more radical/separatist threads in the

Tarai represented by the goit and jwala singh movements.  If the new

democratic leaders manage to bring the tarai firebrands into the peaceful,

non-separatist mainstream, then that in itself will justify this separation

from their parent parties.  I see this move as being crucial for holding the

CA polls in the tarai in the near future.


Most importantly, this move has the potential to resolve tarai militancy

WITHOUT any need to deploy the national army in the future.... a step that

would be utterly disastrous if it was ever implemented by the 7-party in the

name of keeping the country together.


I think the time to really worry will come if the 7-parties don't see the

silver lining in this development, and over-react to it as Dr. Lohani is

warning everyone not to do.


This development is still far away from a separatist movement.... but a

separatist movement will surely arise if this latest move is defined as one

from day one....



As a famous sociology/phenomonology dictum goes,


"If a situation is defined as real, it will be real in its consequences..."


by extension....


"If the latest waves in tarai plitics is defined as real separatism..it is

going to have real separatist consequences..






*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: XX

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 07:46:43 -0800 (PST)

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?


Dear ZZ ji:


Even though I've not yet read the 2 threads that you have included in

your e-mail on the subject, I pretty much agree with your assessment

of the 2 differing views.


Based on my little knowledge on this topic, I'd like to expel doubts

of those people/Party who think that the timing of this move indicated

ill-intention on the part of these Madheshi Leaders who severed ties

with their mother parties. This is totally baseless. The process of

forming a new party and/or a Madheshi Front has been reported in the

Nepali media for last 1 1/2 years. So, nobody should think that this

is an outcome of the dilly-dallying of Maoist and the SPA to build a



Reports from Madhesh (not KTM media) already indicate massive support

of the people for this move. It has provided a sense of relief to many

Madhesis that peace will soon prevail in Terai. I agree with you that

the containment of the armed outfits will be the measure of success

for this new party. The SPA & the Maoist should accept that they have

miserably failed in resolving the Terai insurgency, and it's high time

they allow someone who can do it.  If the immediate statement by Goit

faction is any indication, I'm optimist, the new Party will be able to

contain them.


However, if, IF the government mobilizes army, it will be a colossal

mistake and the most immature and dangerous decision of the Govt. in

dealing with Terai insurgency. And I urge all the esteemed members of

this forum to extend their influence to stop this ill-concieved move

of the Govt.


Lastly,  we can NOT ignore the immediate outcome of this move: the SPA

& the Maoists are agreeing on everything!!


Thank you,



*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: SS

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:43:47 -0800 (PST)

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?


 Dear XXji,


I agree that formation of a new Madhesi Party may be a good development and it's test will be how far they will succeed in directing the Madhesi struggle in a nonviolent and peaceful way. I wish them all the best because it is in the best interests of the whole Nepal.  


However we should keep in mind that their success will also depend upon the positive response from other parties. In democracy, every group wants their rights and if not given outlets in a peaceful way, then the advocates of violence will triumph.


People are peaceful by nature and violence is the manifestation of utter hopelessness and frustration.






*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: GG

Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 21:13:30 -0500

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?


Who knows Mahanta Thakur could be the  leader (President, prime

minister) of New Nepal and take Nepal in a new direction. A towering

Madheshi personality with Pahadi backing could salvage Nepal (I wonder

if this is in coordination with India, GP Koirala and others to

counter Maoists, China as well as armed groups in Madhesh. May be I am

seeing too much- I think I still have the hangover of the Indian

serial ChaaNyakya)






*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: RR (a Sajha member)

Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 03:48:29 -0800 (PST)

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?


All the Madhesi leaders and intelligentsia are enthused and most of

the Pahade intelligentsia seem to be cautiously optimistic. This

alliance of Madhesi leaders has the potential to resolve Terai

problems. So the Pahade dominated ruling parties can hope that the new

Madhesi party will be a bridge between them and Madhesh solution.

There is no choice besides cooperating with the new party. However,

whether the new party will represent the interest of Madhesi people of

Nepal only or will act according to the instructions from India is yet

to be seen. Lets hope that they will also speak for the people whose

villages are inundated during monsoon because of Indian barrages,

apart from other issues. Also mainstream parties should accomodate

more Madhesi leaders and interests within themselves and present a

healthy challenge to the regional parties. Lets see what happens with

the forthcoming cabinet reshuffle.


Here are  three write-ups from Madhesi columnists about the new







*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 12:13:03 -0800 (PST)

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?



Okay here is my confession.


When I first heard of Madhesi leaders from various political parties

quitting them and forming a new party, I felt bombshelled.


First, perhaps, my primitive Pahadi self, saw it as a great threat to

my fellows' parties' ruling monopoly, among other things. But the

thing that stunned me the most was that it took me to the grave of one

of my dreams.


I had a similar dream for the progressive leaders from all major

political parties for a while.


Between 2004-2006, specifically, I was hoping for a miracle to happen:

formation of a new political party with clean/credible/popular leaders

from all political parties and a great following.


Needless to say, it was, or so turned out to be an unrealistic dream

for Nepal. The hold of the supreme leaderships, no matter what image,

baggage and tendencies they keep, was incredibly strong in their

parties, on one hand, and, on the other, what I thought were clean/

credible/popular leaders all turned out to be amazingly compromising,

pragmatic, patient or coward, whatever fits, who kept living happily

in their respective parties. Hence I had to bury the dream, as quietly

as I was keeping them for a while.


And then, all of sudden, what I got to see is-- hopefully it truly

is-- courage, risk-taking and calls of conscience from three well-

established Madhesi leaders, something I was so desperate to see in

some progressive-looking Pahadi leaders for even a greater cause.


I do not know what future holds for these Madhesi leaders and the

party they are forming. However, I am just mesmerized with their

courage at this point.


Now back to the cold calculation of realities. I think, as several

Pahadi members of our group shared the optimism, this new development

might be good for all peace-loving and justice-loving people, if the

new party could show necessary courage for justice and necessary

restrain about the means.


If, on the other hand, this party got swept by emerging extremism in

Terai, it will be doomed.


One reality that many Madhesi activists and leaders seem to be in

denial/ignorance is that progressive Pahadis are for real and Madhesi

movement never can be successful without winning the heart and trust

of this force.


Madhesi movement + progressive Pahadi's support = win

Madhesi movement - progressibe Pahadi's support = No win


So, the cause of Madhes alone is not going to make the movement

prevailing. How you do it and whether you care for other people or not

will be decisive at the end.


Secessionist extremism is not going to liberate Madhes. It will only

produce a few Jarnail Singh Bhindranwales. That's all.


Madhes movement can win with and should rely on the moral strength of

it's cause. It must not be tempted to use the power (bargaining or

winning) of violence and extremism.


Deepak Khadka

Saluting Madhesi leaders for their conscience



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From: AA

Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 16:22:53 -0500

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?


Deepak ji




In you equation below, can you elaborate on " progressive pahadi?"

 I know sociology is not an exact science but until we define

"variables", equations would have no meaning. Can you attempt to

define "progressive pahadi" for the benefit of the forum please.






Madhesi movement + progressive Pahadi's support = win

Madhesi movement - progressibe Pahadi's support = No win



*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

From: Deepak Khadka <deepakkha...@gmail.com>

Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 15:13:00 -0800 (PST)

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?



Dear AA-jee,


Haven't have a chance to say hello since we last met. So a big hello

to you.


And as for the description of "progressive Pahadi" or progressive

anything for that matter, as you yourself put it, albeit in a

different term, is context specific, like any other political

qualifiers would be.


In the context of Madhesi movement, or rather it's agendas, any Pahadi

who understands and acknowledges how the traditional state of Nepal

did injustice to Madhesi people and understands, supports and takes

part in the restructuring of the state of Nepal to deliver justice to

Madhesi and all other marginalized people, should be "progressive

Pahadis", IMO.


Now the converse question is: who is not progressive, or rather who is

conservative/traditionist Pahadi ?


Well, going by the description above and elaborating a little more,

any Pahadi who still believes in the innocence of Nepali people or,

elaborating a little bit more, in the suppression of ethnic/gender/

regional/class awareness of inequality/injustices (as they often refer

to it as opening of a "Pandora's box" in Nepal) by promoting/

glorifying the paradise of the exotic and peaceful kingdom of Nepal

and castigating the rebellions/manures against the paradise as ultra-

leftism, ultra-feminism, regionalism, communalism, adventurism and so



As we stand now, the conservative Pahadis have lost almost all of

their grounds of logic. So I believe they are now searching their

souls, confronting the realities opening up to them and perhaps co-

opting to the changes occurring. Some may be fast learners, other

might have some baggage to feel shy about and still there may be

others who, deep down their mind, may still be harboring the old

belief system.


The last category of the people can be expected to pay lip services to

the progressive causes but still castigating the progressive force

habitually or just for the sake of it.


Shifting the ground of logic every time, resorting to ambiguity,

verbal spin and misinterpretation to attack the Maoist (largely a

progressive power with some unacceptable tendency, attitude and

baggage, if you want to know my view about them) SENSELESSLY, as

exhibited by a few members of this forum, in my view, exemplifies/

points to the old logic/habit of the conservative Nepali elites. [I

want to emphasize here, lest it leaves some misunderstanding, that I

am talking about the senseless and illogical bashings of the Maoists.

I am not talking about the logical and fair criticism (like I do ;-) )

of the Maoists.]


Finally, I would like to put an enigmatic question to you and all

former monarchists (of course the constitutional monarchy), which I

think will put my accusation/assumption I made above to test. What was

your logic for standing by the monarchy from the beginning to the last

minute (2005, for some 2006 or even 2007) ? I mean I know you all

regarded monarchy as a "stabilizing" factor. But my question is: how

exactly you thought it would stabilize Nepal ?


It's not that I have not asked this question to some of you in person

before or searched the answer myself in your write-ups quietly (in all

medias). But it was strange to find that all of you were silent on



I know why you were silent. No, I am not bragging or being arrogant. I

just know the answer. You could not say it because what you had was

politically incorrect. You could not say it because you would be

saying Nepali people are and will remain for a significant time to

come immature for unguided/unpatronized democracy, innocent for power,

tolerant for an unrepresentative authority, patient for justice and so

on. Was it not ? And were you all not wrong ?


Deepak Khadka

Opening up a grave unnecessarily perhaps



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From: MM

Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2007 21:30:38 -0500

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: [ND] Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?


In general, I persoanlly think that every Nepali is very reasonable and

rational. When it comes to personel  level, no Nepali wants to take others'

share or enjoy with others's  property or resource. This is my personnel

experience based on my association with people of all aspect of

life, therefore, no one can convince me otherwise.


However, at the same time no one can dispute that people from Terai have not

been given a fair share in several areas of the governmental structure. It

is not any individual's fault regardless of which background we come from,

rather, it is the fault of the system itself.


Now in this context or reality we need to fix this system in light of the

fact that we have been blessed with a democratic system. My personel

 opinion is that all Nepali needs to advocate for anti discrimationtion

laws, employment discrimination laws, age discrimination laws and other

governance laws which are discriminatory in nature. This is the only way to

fix the probelm. I personally do not see other solutions, but a legal

situtation. Therefore, we Nepali who live in North-America, forcefully

advocate that we need to have anti-discriminiation laws to be enacted as

soon as possible in our legal system. I know that I am answering AA ji's

(who I respect very much)  quesiton directly, in round about way, but this

is the only way to answer.







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From: Deepak Khadka

Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 16:29:51 -0800 (PST)

To: nepaldemocracy@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: New Tarai Party: Dark Cloud or Silver Lining ?




Indeed. All people are inherently rational and reasonable. Rationality

and reason are given to us by the mother nature herself (Darwinian

natural selection perhaps: Rationality and reason help us to fit

better and survive longer).


It's only that sometimes we make a flawed judgment and a wrong

decision. Hence the world is the way it is. Otherwise we would be

living in an eternally perfect paradise.


That said, I agree with you that legal reforms are the key.


However, as Arun-jee rightly said, how to that is the question. I will

only add that much of that how has been worked out and executed., some

to our dismay and some to our relief, by the dreadful Maoists and the

unbelieved common Nepalis, although the time and we are not yet ready

for a through judgment about that.


I am going to give you a very interesting and revealing example of how

"law" could not be the first key, how the conservative power and

thinking of Nepal were aborting progressive laws right before they

were born, how only what I would call a revolutionary shock therapy

could shook all of us to the core and the same abortion doctors

started to become the nurturing nurses for the baby progressive laws.


I do not know how many of us have followed the amazingly bumpy road

the "equal property right" to women of Nepal had to pass thorough. But

it is really so much telling about the socio-political dynamics of



It formally started from a writ petition to the Supreme Court in 1993

followed by massive and vibrant civil debate over the years that

produced a lot of woman right activists and some celebrities too and I

also think set a tone of future civil movements in a democratic Nepal

because it was a first of it's kind and it was really civil and it was

wide spread reaching really to the grass root level.


Anyway, the public debate and activism had finally produced a fine

product in a form of a bill at the parliament, which was, to every

progressive people's great disappointment, killed by Nepali Congress

lawmakers (with a provision for woman to return the inherited property

when she marries !). It happened in 2002.


An, I would call, ironical twist happed during the active rule of

Gyanendra. The Supreme Court essentially re-opened the case. A

progressive step brought basically to impress all  when our judges

thought Gyanedra is a real thing, if you know what I mean. Anyway,

nothing much happened as you know how things were then.


The saga ended last year in September- with 11th amend to the Mooluki

[Ain] unanimously supported by all lawmakers including Nepali Congress, that

finally finally gave equal property right and many other rights to

Nepali women in no-nonsense term.


Put the saga of this property right and political changes in Nepal

side by side and draw your own conclusion.


Now, I would like to make some speculation regarding the thought

process for Nepali Congress lawmakers during what they did in 2002 and

2006 to relate to my earlier discussion on the conservative and

progressive mindsets.


Briefly, I think, Nepali Congress lawmakers were more concerned about

preserving traditional family "fabric" and "semblance" without much

concern for gender inequality. Although the public awareness for

gender equality was increasing (thanks to the civil societies in the

cities and the Maoists in the villages), they were not feeling enough

heat. Next fives years of political upheaval including Jana-Andolan

and Maoist's entrance in power has changed all that. Now they are

either feeling helplessness (if their thinking has not changed) or

really starting to see that Nepali society has really come a long way

to be able to integrate the new culture of gender equality.


This is all for now from me.


I hope I have explained AAji's query to my best ability and I

also hope that I have somehow somewhere inspired some of you to see

what is happening in Nepal from a broader perspective than  a daily

dose of Maoist-bashing by a few members of this forum.




Deepak Khadka


*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***


Posted on 12-19-07 1:46 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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could shook all of us to the core and the same abortion doctors

started to become the nurturing nurses for the baby progressive laws.


I do not know how many of us have followed the amazingly bumpy road

the "equal property right" to women of Nepal had to pass thorough. But

it is really so much telling about the socio-political dynamics of



It formally started from a writ petition to the Supreme Court in 1993

followed by massive and vibrant civil debate over the years that

produced a lot of woman right activists and some celebrities too and I

also think set a tone of future civil movements in a democratic Nepal

because it was a first of it's kind and it was really civil and it was

wide spread reaching really to the grass root level.


Anyway, the public debate and activism had finally produced a fine

product in a form of a bill at the parliament, which was, to every

progressive people's great disappointment, killed by Nepali Congress

lawmakers (with a provision for woman to return the inherited property

when she marries !). It happened in 2002.


An, I would call, ironical twist happed during the active rule of

Gyanendra. The Supreme Court essentially re-opened the case. A

progressive step brought basically to impress all  when our judges

thought Gyanedra is a real thing, if you know what I mean. Anyway,

nothing much happened as you know how things were then.


The saga ended last year in September- with 11th amend to the Mooluki

[Ain] unanimously supported by all lawmakers including Nepali Congress, that

finally finally gave equal property right and many other rights to

Nepali women in no-nonsense term.


Put the saga of this property right and political changes in Nepal

side by side and draw your own conclusion.


Now, I would like to make some speculation regarding the thought

process for Nepali Congress lawmakers during what they did in 2002 and

2006 to relate to my earlier discussion on the conservative and

progressive mindsets.


Briefly, I think, Nepali Congress lawmakers were more concerned about

preserving traditional family "fabric" and "semblance" without much

concern for gender inequality. Although the public awareness for

gender equality was increasing (thanks to the civil societies in the

cities and the Maoists in the villages), they were not feeling enough

heat. Next fives years of political upheaval including Jana-Andolan

and Maoist's entrance in power has changed all that. Now they are

either feeling helplessness (if their thinking has not changed) or

really starting to see that Nepali society has really come a long way

to be able to integrate the new culture of gender equality.


This is all for now from me.


I hope I have explained AAji's query to my best ability and I

also hope that I have somehow somewhere inspired some of you to see

what is happening in Nepal from a broader perspective than  a daily

dose of Maoist-bashing by a few members of this forum.




Deepak Khadka


*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

 The end


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